Chapter 261

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Shirou made the decision to bury the scabbard in Cornwall, entrusting Artoria with the task of burying it once she no longer needed it.

If he has already become a part of established history, there is no doubt that the Einzbern family will excavate the scabbard during the Fourth Holy Grail War, summoning the Saber-class Artoria. If this Saber happens to be the same Artoria, then Shirou will undoubtedly continue as Guinevere, appearing as her in Artoria's eyes during the Fourth Holy Grail War.

Subsequently, the scabbard becomes crucial for Shirou in his battle against Gilgamesh in the Fourth Holy Grail War, and ultimately, he returns it to Emiya Kiritsugu, leaving it within the Emiya household.

However, recently, Shirou has been carrying the scabbard with him, wearing it as he eagerly awaits future information while preparing for the decisive battle against Crimson Moon.

Then, on a particular night, three months later, Shirou slept while embracing the scabbard and received a message in his dream from the future.

"Brother... Brother... I've finally found you."

"Is it Sakura?" Shirou asked.

"Yes, I've managed to obtain Avalon from the Emiya household. The scabbard is now in my possession. All that's left is for you to bury it in Cornwall and use Avalon to return."

"Is that so..."

"What's wrong, brother?"

"I can't go back yet. There are still some things I haven't finished here."

"Why? Are you the Eternal King? Do you consider that place your home now?"

"Eternal King... Has that title reached future generations? But you also said it, Sakura. I am the Eternal King, a king with a responsibility to my kingdom, my people! And with this final battle, my duty as a king will be fulfilled!"

"Merlin said that you only have this one chance to come back! When the sun sets here, the entrance to Avalon will close, and you won't have another opportunity to return!"

"Ask Merlin how long I can stay here, according to your time?"

"Merlin said... you have one year."

"That's enough."

"Brother... Do you still want to stay there for another year?"

"In terms of your time, it's only one day."

"Don't you miss home?"

"I do. However, I have a purpose to fulfill and responsibilities to carry out. You must understand, Sakura, that the one speaking to you now is not your brother, Fujimaru Shirou, but the Eternal King!"

"...I understand. I'll wait for you. Everyone... Everyone misses you!"

"I know. I miss everyone as well."

With those words, Shirou woke up.

He began to intensify his actions.

The entire kingdom sprang into motion, spurred by his resolve.

When September of the sixth year arrived, he was prepared to take action.

Shirou pulled out the Holy Lance Rhongomyniad. Clad in gleaming silver armor and wielding the majestic lance, Shirou rallied an army of three thousand elite knights as he set forth towards Gaul.

News of his call to arms resonated across the lands, drawing lords and knights from Ireland, the British Isles, and various regions of Gaul. In response, a formidable force of a hundred thousand troops assembled in Gaul, ready to march under his banner.

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