Chapter 202

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King Leodegrance was taken aback by her request. "What are you talking about? Vortigern is still attacking Camelot. Who else would attack us? Besides, you are my daughter. How could I even consider handing you over to anyone?" he retorted before storming off.

Guinevere retreated to her chamber and retrieved a small dagger with a sheath from her cabinet. Clutching the blade tightly, she crouched in the corner, trembling and muttering, "Oh God... please have mercy on me... I'm just a coward... please don't let it be what I fear it is..."

Although she possessed a gift that allowed her to see things that others couldn't, she didn't consider it a blessing. Instead, it filled her with fear and trepidation.

Since no one else seemed to have noticed what she had, Guinevere felt like an anomaly. And the fate of anomalies...

The thought made her tremble with fear. Unfortunately, her prayers went unanswered, and she was left to face her worries alone.

After the rumors had circulated for some time, Shirou decided to invite the other kings to send troops to Cameliard and question King Leodegrance together.

However, the kings were hesitant to act. They felt that their priority should be fighting Vortigern together and that it wasn't appropriate to pursue this matter at the moment.

At this point, the 'hot-headed' King Arthur took on the role of a reckless youth and insisted that they could not tolerate traitors in their midst. He declared that Camelot had fallen into dire straits and that action needed to be taken.

The other kings neither supported nor opposed his stance, and he decided to dispatch Gawain and Lancelot to march on Cameliard.

A force of 1,000 soldiers charged toward Cameliard in successive waves.

Upon hearing the news, King Leodegrance sneered, thinking that with his 3,000 well-trained soldiers, he had nothing to fear.

However, his forces were easily defeated in the initial skirmish.

It was no surprise, as Shirou's troops were comprised of elite soldiers. Each one of them wielded a Gae Bolg, donned bright silver armor, and had been meticulously trained in swordsmanship and spearmanship by none other than Merlin and Scathach themselves.

What's more, each of his troops had been imbued with the skills of "Mana Burst," "Battle Continuation," and "Instinct."

It was fair to say that each of them possessed heroic qualities, making them capable of taking on ten enemies at once without breaking a sweat.

With a thousand of these heroic soldiers, bolstered by discipline and tactical prowess, it would have been strange for them to be defeated!

Even King Leodegrance was no match for Lancelot, and he was quickly thrown from his horse and forced to flee into the city in a state of panic, seeking refuge behind its walls.

Although Gawain and his troops could have launched a full-scale attack, they instead followed his orders and opted to lay siege to the city. They cordially requested that King Leodegrance hand over the wise man who had exposed King Arthur's economic warfare and sign a treaty that was formulated by Arthur in the spirit of friendship and cooperation.

King Leodegrance, confident in the strength of his city's walls, chose to ignore their demands.

Undeterred, Gawain and his forces continued to harass them daily, launching attacks every three days. This persistent pressure left King Leodegrance feeling increasingly desperate.

Summoning her courage, Guinevere approached her father and took a deep breath before speaking. "Father, let me go," she pleaded.

Surprised, King Leodegrance replied, "What are you afraid of, Guinevere? They can't breach our city walls."

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