Chapter 285

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Emiya Kiritsugu and Irisviel responded to the summons of the family head, hastening their arrival at the ancient castle of Einzbern. The castle, encased in an icy grip, harbored a thousand years' worth of delusion and deception.

Their destination was the chapel of Einzbern Castle, a grand and foreboding location unlike any other. This sacred space was far from a sanctuary for worshipping and seeking solace in divine grace. In a castle inhabited by magi, a "prayer room" stood for a chamber designated for conducting sinister magecraft rituals.

As one gazes up at the stained glass overhead, the vibrant artwork does not depict the visages of revered saints. Instead, it weaves a vivid tapestry chronicling the arduous journey of the Einzbern family in their relentless pursuit of the Holy Grail.

Among the Three Founding Families, the Einzberns have dedicated an unparalleled amount of time to the sacred quest for the Holy Grail. Isolated within the icy embrace of the mountains, they have obstinately severed ties with the outside world, their unwavering focus fixed solely on unraveling the miracle held within the Holy Grail.

Yet, their valiant endeavors have been plagued by countless setbacks, humiliations, and agonizing trials. This cyclic pattern of hope, disappointment, and subsequent desperate measures has persisted through the ages, leaving them bereft of any tangible results.

In a desperate bid to break free from the despair of their solitary pursuit, the Einzbern family reluctantly forged an alliance with external magus families, such as the Tohsaka and Matou, two centuries ago.

In following Holy Grail Wars, the Masters' combat capabilities constantly fell short, leaving victory forever out of their grasp. Therefore, a significant decision was made nine years ago—to enlist the aid of skilled combat magi from outside their ranks.

Emiya Kiritsugu could be seen as the final trump card wielded by the once-proud Einzbern family, renowned for their untainted lineage. Their commitment to this cause led them to amend their family creed for a second time, willing to make whatever sacrifices necessary to attain their elusive goal.

As Kiritsugu made his way down the corridor, his gaze accidentally caught sight of a relatively new addition—a painting adorning a stained glass window.

The artwork portrayed the Winter Saint of the Einzbern family, flanked by two magi faithfully serving by her side. All three figures extended their hands, reaching out towards the ethereal presence of the Holy Grail suspended in the heavens above.

In the composition and subtle nuances of the painting, one could discern the echoes of a bygone era—the passionate pride once harbored by the Einzberns, who had belittled the Tohsaka and Matou families two centuries past. Yet, the artwork also conveyed a profound sense of humiliation, the bitter acknowledgement of their ultimate reliance on those they had once scorned. These complex emotions found expression within the intricate strokes and artistic harmony of the painting, offering glimpses into the history of the Einzbern family.

Awaiting Kiritsugu and Irisviel at the altar was the venerable magus, the custodian of the Winter Castle—the Lord of the Einzberns.

Having ascended to the esteemed role of the eighth generation family head, he had come to be widely referred to as Old Man Acht. By using arcane means to extend his own lifespan, he had already traversed the earth for nearly two centuries. Guiding the Einzbern family through the chaotic journey from their relentless pursuit of the Holy Grail to the ensuing Holy Grail Wars.

Kiritsugu was well aware that the aging Acht had encountered a string of failures, dating back to the time of the Winter Saint during the Second Holy Grail War. Therefore, as the prospect of the Third Holy Grail War loomed before them, the magnitude of Acht's anxiety surpassed anything he had previously experienced.

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