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I zoned out for a minute, but I could hear Lev apologizing to Kenma saying that he was being bossy in calling the ball. I could see that Kenma was surprised to have been asked for a broad jump set. And Lev being Lev, didn't know what it was.

I was feeling lightheaded, again, so I asked coach Nekomata if I could refill the boys' water bottles. He gave me permission and I stepped outside. I began to fill the water up admiring the scenery, it was weird to be in school on the weekend.


I walked to the water fountains, and the walk seemed shorter than usual for some reason, I just couldn't stop thinking about what Kenma said. My videogames were getting boring and I wanted to talk to you. He wanted to talk to me, not Kuroo, not Yamamoto. Me.

I looked up from the ground to see the water fountain in front of me. I placed the holders that were carrying the water bottles down, and got onto my knees so that I could turn the fountain on.

Weird, it wasn't turning on. I turned it onto the highest setting. It still didn't work. I turned it off, and on again. I was about to give up but that's when the water splashed all over me.

I was now soaked and freezing cold. I decided to deal with the situation later and continue filling up the remaining water bottles.

I got back up, noticing that my shirt left a trail behind me. I'm done for. I looked down to see my white shirt, clinging onto my red bra. I knew that I can't go back like this and not get laughed at. I ran back to the gym, with the holder in my hand. I placed them right outside the gym and ran for it.

I stopped running when I reached the room I was staying in. It was just water, so it'd dry off, eventually. I opened my bag to find out that I ran out of shirts, I only had a hoodie, and it was too hot for that.

I rummaged through my bag again, just to double check, nothing. I guess a hoodie would be better than nothing. I stepped outside into the hallway and I saw Kuroo. ''Don't you guys have that...thing with Karasuno,'' I asked

''Yeah... why're you wearing a hoodie in this weather,'' He asked, I could tell he was suspicious, like I was hiding something, and to be fair, I was.

''I had an incident with the water fountains, and it got all over me and I have no shirts left,'' I replied, it was embarrassing saying it aloud. I could tell that he was trying not to laugh.

''Oh, I'll just give you one of Kenma's shirts. Follow me.''

''No don't worry about it, I'm heading to the gym. And won't he like... I don't know, hold a grudge against me? For like the rest of eternity.''

''It's you that's taking and wearing it. He'll be fine with it.''

''No, you're taking it I'm wearing it. Different things Kuroo.'' I reminded him.

''Not if I lie.''

''Oh because I'd definitely sneak into the guys' room, rummage through his bag, steal his shirt and wear it proudly? IF that is what you tell him, it will go around, making me look like a creep who is obsessed with him, and I probably won't be a manager because they'll kick me off the team. Meaning I won't come to the Shinzen training camp, I'll have no no girl friends and my life is basically ruined. Is that what you want?''

''No ma'am,'' He said, and saluted me. What is wrong with him?

''Exactly, so can you please get one of his shirts, and I'll wear it, you can deal with the grudge.''

𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞, 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐦𝐞|𝐊. 𝐊𝐨𝐳𝐮𝐦𝐞Where stories live. Discover now