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''Mori, I'm leaving the house now!! I'll see you at practice after school okay!?'' I exclaimed. Just as I left the house to go meet up with Kuroo, I heard a lot of crashing and banging coming from his room.

I think he must've forgotten that I had to see Kuroo, but he'll see me at school, or practice, or on our way home from school. He can scold me there, if he isn't scolding Lev.


I left the house and started to walk. I don't think that I've ever noticed how scary it was walking by myself, to school, before sunrise. sure the streetlights were on but I had to use my phone flashlight.

I arrived at Nekoma, and I was early, so I stopped. I wanted to admire the sunrise. Maybe I should start to appreciate the smaller things in life, the small things that make life worth living, the small things that remind me that I'm a person, with feelings, that matter.

Before seeing Kuroo, I remembered that I still had Kenma's gloves in my right pocket. I took them out and pulled them over my hands.

''Kurooo, so what did you want to talk aboutt,'' I muttered, unenthusiastically, I mean I was tired, and cold, even though I had Kenma's gloves on and I wore a jacket over my uniform. ''Actually, beforehand can we please go to the gym, I'm freezing.''

''You're still cold with a jacket over, and wait- Are those Kenma's gloves?''

''Yeah, he let me borrow them yesterday, you know, as it was pouring.''

''Oooo he likes youu.'' He cooed.

''No, he doesn't. Plus, we barely know each other.'' I said, defending myself.


''I swear, now can we please get to the gym.''

''Fine.'' He groaned.

We ran to the gym, well I walked, and he sprinted; until I signalized for him to hurry up. before he unlocked the gym doors.

''I know that it isn't any of my business, but there's definitely something going on between you and Kenma. I've known the guy since forever. I know if somethings going to happen. And you and him will.''

''I can promise you that there's nothing, you're going to end up being in the wrong.''

''We can bet on it?'' He suggested.

''Hmm, fine.'' I paused, thinking for a few seconds. ''If I win, and we don't get together by the end of the training camp, bus ride back here included, I get to quit being a manager.''

''Yeah, that's fair.'' He shrugged his shoulders, and smirked. ''But if I win, and you do get together, you have to be a manager until you graduate.''

I just stood there, what was I supposed to say?

I gave him a dirty look, but he didn't notice as he took the keys for the gym out of his pocket and opened the door.

I helped him get the carts of volleyballs and the net set up before everyone else arrived to practice.

The atmosphere changed from one where I could laugh about my most embarrassing moments to one of awkwardness as I walked away and started to do the smaller things in order for the gym to be set up for morning practice.

Kai was the first to arrive and I'm so thankful he did, he helped lighten the mood a bit, being a manager was much easier than I thought. I had to take a couple of notes, but it was mostly just helping the players with various tasks, like re-filling their water bottles or helping them with injuries, mostly Lev from volleyballs hitting him in the face.

𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞, 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐦𝐞|𝐊. 𝐊𝐨𝐳𝐮𝐦𝐞Where stories live. Discover now