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''I found this speed build of an underwater base, do you want to spend all night building it with me?''

He didn't seem mad anymore. ''Yes, of course, but where should we build it?''

We spent 10 minutes trying to find the perfect place for it, and when we did, we didn't have enough materials.


''This is hard, why'd we decide to do this?'' I asked.

''Our other one was getting boring, we need to change it up a bit, and then we can alternate between the two.'' He replied.

It took us a while, as we both had to find materials because we kept on running out of the essentials, like wood and flowers.

''What colour bed do you want Moon?''

''F/c, pleasee.'' When I said that, I was out sheering sheep, and then gathering all of the animals so that Apple could kill them off.

Yet when I returned, I couldn't find my room, ''Apple, did you like forget about my room?''

''Huh? No, I put our beds together and we share a room, but it's divided. Your side has plants. Lots and lots of flowers, with plenty of bookshelves.''

''Shut up, you did not have to do that.'' I replied.

''I know, but why not?''

It took us hours to finish the rest of the base, and by the time we finished, it was already 1 am.

I walked around for a bit, and it was similar to the video we used. We changed some things, but only because I just didn't like the way it looked. It was simple. Too simple.

I yawned before looking back at the digital clock on my nightstand. I squinted my eyes to get a better look. 1:30 am.

''Hey Apple, this was great, but I'm exhausted, so I'll talk to you tomorrow, okay?

''Alright Moon, sweet dreams.'' I wish I knew if he was smiling through the screen or something. I turned my phone off so I could brush my teeth, and finish getting ready for bed. I climbed under the covers, put on my eye mask, and slept like a baby, for the first time in a while.


I was running in a Shibazakura flower field, wearing the most beautiful outfit ever, a f/c dress, that was around ankle length. My hair wasn't tied up, the wind going through every single strand was so revitalising.

I met up with Apple, or his shadow as I don't really know what he looks like and we decided to sit down, on a blanket that appeared.

We talked about our life, and our aspirations. He said he wanted to be a streamer. Academics were bearable but they still sucked, especially english-based subjects.

I told him I wanted to be a paediatrician. He said that I'd be the best they'd ever see, and get many, many awards. We finished the day off by getting ice cream from the nearest convenience store, he walked me home until-

''Y/niee get up, it's already 9:45, the guys left already, so do you want to go to the music store?'' Mori asked, I instantly got up and sprinted to the shower.

Ever since one of my strings snapped on my electric guitar, I've always said that I was going to buy some on the way home from school, but I never got the chance.

𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞, 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐦𝐞|𝐊. 𝐊𝐨𝐳𝐮𝐦𝐞Where stories live. Discover now