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He ended the call before I wanted to say 'See you later'. That was weird, even for him. I mean he's the type always to be available if he wasn't busy with his school club or homework, I noticed that it was starting to get dark, so I walked back home and climbed through Mori's window so I could unlock the door and do anything but apologise.


Monday. the day of the week when I don't want to isolate myself from the rest of the world.

I need the weekend to live, to be myself again. I'm drained after a week of school. It's a cycle. and if Mori makes me wake up even earlier for practice, that I don't want to go to, or even signed up for. I'm going to commit a serious crime.

I got up from my bed, I struggled to go to take a shower, I was too tired.

Maybe I should not have stayed up till 3:38 am knowing I would wake up at 5:30 am. I would've slept in if I could.

I started to put my uniform on, and brushed my hair, and before I knew it, I zoned out and I wash brushing my hair for the past ten minutes.

I'm never alert in the mornings, but in ten minutes I could've put on a bit more makeup to cover everything.

''Y/n lets go, or else we're going to be late for practice.''

''Do I have to go?''

''Yes, you're the manager, now hurry up, or I'll-''

''Fine, fine. Lets go!''

I stepped outside, nearly tripping on the first step, ''Y/n, what is wrong with you?'' Mori tried to hide his laughter, but he couldn't

''Ouch.'' I joked, ''How could you?''

We arrived at practice, and surprisingly, the team uniforms have already arrived. I slipped on the red jacket, marvelling and how good it looked.

I felt someone staring at me, but I couldn't pinpoint who.

Practice finished, and school started. Mrs. Suzuki mentioned that we have a test soon, chemistry. My worst subject.

At lunch, Lev told me that Kuroo invited all of the new first years to have lunch with the rest of the team. I agreed, as I had no one else to stay with, and nowhere to go.

''What's for lunch today?'' Lev asked.

''Why don't we go check?'' Shibayama suggested, I nodded in agreement and caught up to them.

We arrived at the cafeteria, and it was filled with swarms of students crowding everything, somehow. All the tables were occupied, and you couldn't even see the other end of the room.

''OH MY GO-'' Shibayama shrieked.

''Are you 100% sure you want lunch and not a snack from the vending machine.'' I retorted, accidentally interrupting Shibayama.

''You know what, I'm not even hungry anymore.'' Lev sighed.

We started to walk to where we were meeting the rest of the guys, the clubroom. We arrived and the guys found a space to sit.

''Hey.. Kenma, do you mind if I sit here, there's no other spaces.''

He didn't even look up from his PSP, but he nodded. I guess he could recognise me by my voice, somehow.

I saw Lev sulking about him not getting any food, so I offered him some of my lunch, as I wasn't hungry either way and Mori overpacked my lunch, again.

''Hey, what are you playing, it looks pretty cool.'' I asked.

𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞, 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐦𝐞|𝐊. 𝐊𝐨𝐳𝐮𝐦𝐞Where stories live. Discover now