Chapter 328 - Intervention

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"It's hard to find someone we could lend our strength..." Souta said with a deep sigh.

"Yeah, but it's better if we don't judge them base on their outside appearance." Lynn nodded and said.

"Oh...? You're right." Souta was a little bit surprised at her words but he regained his composure as he realized that it was like her to say those words. She's really a kind person.

Well, she was right. Those people looked like ruffians so he didn't even try to help them nor he bothered looking in their direction.

"Okay, we'll try to help some people," Souta said Lynn.

"Okay..." Lynn nodded at him.

The two once again walked around the area to find someone who needs help. They quickly find someone who was fighting in the streets.

Two groups of people were fighting. The first group consisted of six people. Their power level was D-rank. While the other group consisted of only two people but the two of them were C-rank.

Sounds of metal colliding against each other echoed in the area. A lot of people were watching the battle on the sideline. They were even cheering and betting about who's going to win the battle.

It was a normal scene in this city.

"What should we do, Souta?" Lynn said as she glanced at him. She didn't know who they should help.

"Hmm... Let's watch first and help the losing side." Souta replied to him. He watched the battle on the sideline with Lynn. He readied himself to intervene at any time.

The battle continued and both sides suffered injuries. The battle was intense and they destroyed several structures.

"Lynn, I'll go now. Wait for me to finish it." Souta said to Lynn as he disappeared from his position.


Lynn didn't even manage to reply as he vanished beside her. She just turned her head to the battle.

Souta appeared at the corner and slowly walked towards the battle. A lot of people noticed him walking leisurely in the middle of the fight.

"Is that person an idiot?!!"

"What is he doing in the middle?!!!"

"Can't he see a group of people fighting?!!"

The people on the sideline murmured to each other as they mocked Souta who was walking in the middle of the battle.

Souta's hands were inside his pocket. He was looking around but his attention was focused on the battle close to him. The two C-rank couldn't handle the six D-rank at all. In terms of power level among C-ranks, they were at the bottom. It's no wonder that six D-ranks could handle them.

Swoosh! Swoosh!

Five D-ranks appeared one meter away from Souta. They were going to attack the C-rank but Souta took a step forward. This not only shocked the people around but also the C-ranks and the D-ranks who were going to attack the C-rank.

"Oh...? You're in my way." Souta said as he gathered his mana in his hand and waved it towards the swords of the five D-ranks.


The swords of the D-ranks were shattered the moment Souta's hand collided with it. It was only a low-grade weapon so it couldn't harm Souta's hand which was coated by a mana of a B-rank like him.

"Wha- Our sword...!!" The D-ranks were stunned when their weapons were shattered easily by this weapon.

They haven't realized that the person in front of them was above their league. Anger and shame disrupted their logical mind.

"You dare to fight us! The Great Swift Bandits!!"

They roared as they pointed their fingers at him.

"It's not bad to follow your emotion just like what I'm doing but don't let it control your mind," Souta said as he pointed his finger at them and concentrate his mana on the tip of his finger.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Several concentrated mana shoots out from his finger and it knocked out the six D-rank. He could easily dispose of several D-rank without having a problem. If it was a few months ago, it would take him a lot of time before he could defeat six D-rank.

"Great Swift Bandit...? I haven't heard it."

Souta shook his head and put those thoughts in the back of his mind. He turned towards the two C-ranks, only to find them looking at him with wide eyes.

"Is there something wrong...?" Souta said after a while as the two kept looking at him.

".....ah! N-nothing... Thanks for saving us..." One of the C-rank who looked in his early twenties said. He was wearing simple leather armor and pants. His black hair was messy and he had a huge scar on his left arm.

"Thank you, young one." The other one said. This man was an old man. His hair was white and long. His beard has the same color as his hair and it was long too. His attire was the same as his comrades.

"Hmm..." Souta rubbed his chin as he examined the two from top to bottom. He wondered if he could get something from these two C-ranks.

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