Chapter 312 - Collapse of the Ladros City: Hunting the Seven-circle officers

Start from the beginning

He witnessed how those people underestimate Souta and died in the end. In a fight against Souta, one must expect that Souta was as strong as him or stronger than him cause he didn't know what tricks he will use in a battle.

Just like what happened today, Souta used soul arts which were forbidden in the whole universe.


Yuvn crushed the black tentacles and rocks that were flying on his way.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Tearing apart a tier 1 spell was easy for him even if it was a modified one.

"Soul arts user? I'll kill you and free the souls of my comrades that you've captured!!"

His figure flashed as it collided with Souta's body.


Their figure repeatedly crashed against each other.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The shockwaves that they generate blew the rocks that were floating in the air.

'This guy has stronger physical ability than the people before. He is as strong as an A-rank even though he's on death's door.' Souta thought as he shifted his body and a fist passed beside him.

The force behind the punch was tearing the air and Souta could hear a loud sound snapping the air.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

"Soul arts user! You will die today!"

Yuvn roared as he threw a barrage of punches at Souta. Each punch contained brute strength that could annihilate ordinary B-rank.

It was so fast that Souta didn't have a choice but to passively defend himself against the punches.

"No, you're the one who will die today. I will take your soul and use it to strengthen myself."

Souta replied while trying to block all the punch that was coming at him.

'Saya, I'll leave it you'

'Ufufu, you really want to use me even though I'm already helping you.'


Yuvn grew angrier as he punched Souta.


Souta raised his left hand and Yuvn's fist landed on his wrist. His bones cracked under the pressure of the punch and he was blasted on the ground.


His grip on his sword loosened and it was thrown upward. Blood came out of his mouth and it splattered in every direction, dyeing the rocks in crimson color.

The vajra sword spun in the mid-air before it flew towards Yuvn.


Yuvn raised his hand and grabbed the sword without looking at it. "You thought that I don't know your plan. Too bad for you, I realized it when you deliberately loosen your grip on your sword." A mocking smile formed on his face.

"Now, die!!"

Suddenly, he felt cold spread on his body as he stopped moving.

"What the-"

He couldn't move his body as he heard a voice of a girl in his mind. It was chilly and horrific at the same time.


Blood splattered on the ground as a hand pierced his chest.

"Y-You got... me..."

Yuvn looked at Souta with anger in his eyes. Defeat means that his soul would suffer for eternity.

"This trick never gets old. You should always help me like this."

He muttered as he removed his hands from Yuvn's chest along with his heart.


Blood spurted out from Yuvn's chest. His heart was still beating wildly on Souta's hand.

Souta looked at it with an amazed expression.

The heart was full of vital energy but it doesn't have mana in it. It seems that the battle with Bargan destroyed Yuvn's mana pool. If the mana pool was still intact then the heart of the powerful Hero-rank would be a good source to replenish his mana.

The mana pool was situated inside a person's heart. And the heart was helping the mana pool circulate the mana of a person inside its body like blood. So if a person masters the way to control mana, then that person would be able to circulate his mana inside his body as simple as breathing.

In this way, the muscles, bones, organs, and skin would change because of the exposure to mana. It would get healthier and stronger just like the monsters.

"Too bad, you fell for my trick."

Souta said as he closed his fist, crushing the heart on his palm. He then took the vajra sword and heard a familiar sound in his mind.


[You've gained 799,999 exp for defeating a Seven-circle officer!]


[You've received a random reward card and a One-time Gluttonous Blessing card for defeating an opponent equipped with blessings!]

A card? Oh, good.

He received this card because he managed to kill a Hero-rank with blessings. If he was above level 39, then he wouldn't be able to receive these rewards.

These rewards were only given to the people with exceptional feats. No matter how he did it, as long as he killed it he would receive the rewards.

There was even a player in the game who stalked the battle of two god-level powerhouses and luckily landed a killing blow to a god who was going to die. After that, he died from getting too close to a battle of the two gods. That player was so lucky that it made everyone jealous.

What happened there was pure luck. The other god launched a killing blow but the god survive from it leaving only 1 hp and the player used everything he has got and deal 1 damage to a god. If the god had 2 hp left then god wouldn't die at that player's hand. It was humiliating for them to die at mortals' hand.

This card... Souta will be useful for him. A card that will let him temporarily have the blessing of Gluttony from the Seven Deadly Sins.

Souta picked the body of Yuvn. He will use it to disrupt the formation of the officers that were fighting Randolf.

"Four left..."

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