Chapter 273 - Preparation

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She knew why the Adventurer's Guild was helping them. The Guildmaster received the orange grade bow from Souta along with three mana fruits.

Originally, the profits that they will get from selling the orange grade bow will be divided into thirteen parts. Lumilia and the rest of the Dark Oculus agreed to give their parts to Souta. After all, they received ten mana fruits from him, and those fruits were much more valuable than their small part in orange grade weapon.

To fully owned the bow, Souta made a deal with the Jagret and his five comrades. He decided to give them valuable mana fruits and they accepted it without hesitation.


Because mana fruits were so rare that they wouldn't be able to find it in the market or underground market. Plus, the orange grade bow was divided into thirteen parts so the money they will receive wouldn't be enough to match a single mana fruit that could permanently increase a person's strength.

"I will stay here and protect this place along with Yuko," Brando said to Lumilia in a low voice.

"Yes, I'm counting on you. You are the greatest shield of our legion so I'll leave the role of guarding our home to you." Lumilia nodded and said.

"You can rest assured that I'll do my best."


The nobles quickly guessed that they were commoners when they saw how Bryan act. They wondered why Silvia invited a bunch of commoners to her birthday party.

'Hmm...? They are looking at us as if we are trash.' Souta thought while observing the movements of the nobles. He couldn't help but grin when he thought about what will happen today.

"I'll leave them to you, Leila." Silvia turned to her friend and said.

"Huh? Where are you going?" Leila asked as she widened her eyes.

"I'm going to call father," Silvia replied to her.

"I see. You can go and call your father." Leila nodded.

Silvia then turned to Bryan and bid farewell saying that she will call her father.

Souta went to the corner and called Bryan and Lynn. "Don't wander around. The party haven't begun so don't make unnecessary movements."

"Okay." Bryan nodded at him while scratching the back of his head. He wanted to eat some food at this moment but he had to follow Souta's words.

Lynn nodded and she silently stood beside Souta.

"Hmph! At least you know what to do!" Leila snorted as she glanced at them.

Souta ignored her as he doesn't want to make an enemy out of her family. Also, he knew that she wasn't that bad. If she really didn't care about them then she will leave this place and let the other nobles mocked them.

He glanced at the nobles and he heightened his senses. He could hear that they were talking about him.

"Why did Miss Silvia invite those commoners?"

"I don't know!"

"Do you want me to trash those commoners?"

"Shh! You will not be able to do that with Miss Leila beside them!"

Souta crossed his arms in front of his chest and closed his eyes. He doesn't need to worry about these fools. They were weaklings that only knew how to depends on their parent's power.

After a few minutes, Silvia arrived with a middle-aged man. The middle-aged man possessed a fierce aura around him. This man was Silvia's father, Duke Franz Venreita.

Duke Franz opened his mouth and started the party with his speech.

While watching the Duke, Souta asked Bryan how did he save Silvia and Leila. There should be powerful bodyguards beside the two girls so how the heck a C-rank adventurer could help them at that time.

Lynn was the one who answered his question. She told him that the two girls run away so they don't have any bodyguards with them.

"Haha, spoiled brats! They still didn't know how cruel the outside world is." Souta lightly laughed.


"Also, I'd like to thanks these people for saving my daughter. I, Franz Venreita, thanked you from the bottom of my heart for saving my daughter. May I know who you are?" He still didn't know who's Souta and Lynn. He only knew Bryan because her daughter was talking about him all the time.

Souta, Lynn, and Bryan looked at Franz when they suddenly received the gratitude of a duke. They looked at each other and Souta motioned Bryan to introduce himself first.

"Um, I'm Bryan Dagruel, an adventurer and a student at Ladro Institute." Bryan introduced himself in simple words while scratching his cheeks.

Just a simple introduction for commoners as he didn't know the noble's etiquette. He couldn't express himself elegantly like the nobles.

Everyone wanted to laugh because of his lame introduction but they held it because the duke was talking to them. They don't want to displease him.

"I-I'm Lynn Yaoli, a C-rank adventurer and a student of Mage class 1-B of Ladro Institute," Lynn said while she lowering her head. She was shy that everyone was looking at them.

Souta sighed when he heard his comrade's introduction. He shook his head and stepped forward.

"I am Souta Ieshi, the commander of the Dark Oculus legion, a full-fledged B-rank adventurer. I'm a first-year student at Ladro Institute and currently, the top 1 ranker of the whole year." Souta paused for a moment before he added, "You may not know me but I'm the one who fought Gregory Vidrato in the Gripin city."

His etiquette was perfect like a nobleman. He was different from Bryan and Lynn who didn't know noble's etiquette.

"Oh? So you're that famed student of Ladro Institute. I didn't think that I would meet you here." Franz said as he squinted his eyes and observed Souta.

"Haha, I'm just here to accompany my people to the party of Lady Silvia." Souta laughed lightly.

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