Chapter 216 Frontpage

Start from the beginning

He knew what's in her mind so before she could ask him, Souta answered the question in her mind.

Lumilia didn't have a choice but to agree to him after she heard his words.

Souta emptied his cup of coffee before he stood up and said, "Let's go, I have to meet the people of the Lanny corp."

"I understand." Lumilia nodded at him while looking at his face. She was trying to guess what's in his mind.


Souta and Lumilia parted ways. Souta brought Yuko with him towards the Lanny corp while Lumilia brought Cluster to meet with Bryan and the rest.

Souta arrived in the Lanny corp with Yuko. The receptionist quickly guided him to the space behind the building.

Jimmy and the six people that he chose were already waiting for him.

"You're here. I already explained what you're going to do to them." Jimmy said when he saw Souta. He greeted him and looked at the six people.

"Good." Souta nodded with a satisfied expression. He turned his head to the six and observed them with his eyes. It seems that he wasn't wrong in picking them. The aura they gave off this time was different than the first time that he met them.

They grew stronger. There's no doubt about it. They were going to become a B-rank soon if they keep improving their strength.

"Good morning, captain." A man with a huge physique greeted Souta. His skin was brown and he had two antennas sticking out of his forehead. His name was Jagret.

"Good." Souta nodded and he swept his eyes across the six people in front of him. After a while, he opened his mouth and said, "Jimmy said to me that he already informed you about our quest this time. Am I right?"

"Yes, captain!" The five people replied to him at the same time.

"I know, I know." A man with a bored look said. He was tall and he didn't have a huge body like Jared. One of his ears was pointed and one wasn't. His pointed ear was full of earrings. His greenish eyes were slanted and looked fierce. His hair was mohawk and its color was green. He was called Ginvi.

This man was the one who fought Souta before.

These six people were shocked when they first heard from Jimmy that they were going to the Forest of Eternal Light. That forest was extremely dangerous for their current power level. They thought that Souta was out of his mind for picking that place as their first quest but when they heard from Jimmy that Souta was serious, they could only accept this fact.

In fact, until now they were against in going to that place but it was Jimmy's decision. Jimmy told them to follow Souta's order and he was their first priority.

"You know what to do. Have you prepared your things? We're leaving today." Souta said to them with a serious tone. Despite lacking mana, he was emitting heavy pressure in the surrounding area.

"Yes, captain!" They said at the same time.

"Hmm... The members of my party will join our expedition." Souta said to them before he turned around.

"Captain, the members of your party are students am I right?" Ginvi opened his mouth and asked Souta.

Souta paused and he slightly turned his head. He looked at Ginvi in the eyes. "Yeah, they are students like me. Why?"

"I'm not sure if they are as strong as you or not. I want to know if they were going to become a burden or not." Ginvi raised a question with a grin on his face.

"You don't have to worry about them. Besides, I trust my party members than you. I don't even know if you're going to use your mouth in battle or not." Souta responded with a cold look on his face. He then waved his hand and turned around.

"You!!" Ginvi hissed as veins pop up on his forehead. He was about to leap towards Souta but Jagret and a dwarf named Finsi stopped him.

Souta ignored those people. He doesn't have a problem with his subordinates except for that Ginvi. No, that's not a problem to begin with. He could control that type of person through force but Souta decided to take it easy.

Jimmy walked beside Souta and asked, "Did you read the news?"

"News?" Souta looked at Jimmy with question marks in his head. He had no idea what's in the news because of what happened to him.

"Here. Read this." Jimmy pushed the newspaper on his side.

Souta looked at it as he took a bottle of potion in his pocket. He removed the cap and drunk it in one go. After that, he swept his eyes on the front page of the newspaper.

"The student who used two monster potions to stop the member of the Deadly Sins...!?"

His mind went blank when he read the front page of the news. His picture was also printed at the corner of the newspaper.

'Who the hell would release this information?' Souta knitted his eyebrows before he looked at Jimmy.

"I've sent some people to investigate who release this information but we couldn't find anything. All the leads disappeared from a certain noble family. That noble family is a powerful family across the whole kingdom. They have a lot of connections and the Lanny corp is like a small mouse in front of them. But I personally think that family don't know about this. Someone just used their name." Jimmy said with a serious expression.

"What's the family name?" Souta asked.

"The Freis Family," Jimmy said.

"If it's that family then they wouldn't do it," Souta said as he looked at the newspaper.

If the public learned about the incident in the Ibish village, then a lot of problems will occur. Especially for him... The fact that he woke up in just two weeks from drinking monster potions was a huge topic.

"Ehe~ some people are targeting me behind my back. I wonder who did I offend this time." A grin formed on Souta face.

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