Little Dipper (part 1)

Start from the beginning

Dipper knocked over Mabel's king. "And...checkmate!"

"What? Boo!" Mabel whined.

Dipper took out a notepad that was keeping score of every time the twins played a game and who won. Dipper marked another tally mark for him under 'chess'. I think he takes winning a bit too seriously. "O-oh! Dipper wins again!"

"Yo, Mabel, can you pass me that brain in the jar? The lady one?" Soos asked from a ladder. Also, I wouldn't ask about the brain in the jar.

Dipper started standing up from his seat. "I got it," he offered.

"Thanks, but Mabel's taller," Soos said. Oh no, I feel sibling rivalry coming on.

"What? No she's not. We're the same height, we've always been," Dipper said.

Soos scratched his chin. "Better check again, dude." I stood the twins back to back and took Dipper's hat while Soos took out a tape measure. He took their heights and his eyes widened. "Yep, she's got exactly one millimeter on you," Soos told Dipper. I handed him his hat back.

"What?!" Dipper exclaimed.

"Whoa! Don't you see what's happening, Dipper? This millimeter is just the beginning! I'm evolving into the superior sibling! Bigger! Stronger!" Mabel exclaimed.

"Like some kind of Alpha Twin!" Soos said.

"Alpha Twin! Alpha Twin!" Mabel chanted.

"Come on, guys. Nobody even uses millimeters. It only makes you taller than me in Canada," Dipper defended himself.

"And everywhere else in the world that uses the metric system," I added. Everyone just looked at me. "What? It's true. We're basically the only country that doesn't use the metric system."

"See?" Dipper said to Mabel.

Mabel ignored us. "You know, Dipper? I always wanted a little brother. Who knew I already had one?" Mabel said, making fun of Dipper. "Haha, yeah!"

Mr. Pines then walked into the room, rubbing his eyes. "I was awakened by the sound of mockery. Where is it? Show me the object of ridicule!" Mr. Pines said rubbing his hands together.

"I'm taller than Dipper," Mabel said.

"By ONE millimeter," Dipper added quickly.

"Hey, hey! Don't get short with your sister," Mr. Pines mocked.

"Grunkle Stan, I hope you don't think little of him," Mabel continued.

"Oh! Oh! And uh...he's short!" Mr. Pines finished.

Soos and I glanced at each other. This wasn't good. We looked at Dipper to see him getting annoyed and embarrassed. "Hey, maybe you should lay off a tiny bit?" Soos offered. Poor choice of words, Soos.

"Ha! Tiny! Soos is in on it now!" Mr. Pines clapped Soos on the back. Dipper stormed off.

"N-no, I didn't mean that," Soos tried to explain.

"Dipper will forget. He's got a 3...2...1..." Mabel started.

"SHORT-TERM MEMORY! Ha ha ha!" Mabel and Mr. Pines chorused.

"POW! We are on FIRE!" Mabel shouted and she and Mr. Pines high fived, but Mr. Pines cringed in pain. "I high five hard."

I rolled my eyes. "I have said this before, and I'll say it again: You guys tease him too much," I said and I walked away. I tried searching for Dipper all over the shack but I didn't find him. I walked back into the gift shop to see Mabel talking to Soos. "Hey, have you guys seen Dipper? I can't find him," I said. They both shook their heads.

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