"A-Anya-San! Can I come in really quickly?" Yor stood in front of Anya's door and Anya opened it. "Ok!" She let her inside and Yor bent down in front of her. "So..your uncle is staying here for the night, and I was wondering if..I-I could, put some stuff here!" Anya cocked her head slightly and looked innocently at her. "Why?" "U-uh..tha-this might not sound believable! Bu-but, sometimes..Y-Yuri use to look through my things! And..I don't want him looking at this stuff!" "Why do you trust Anya then?" Wow, Anya. What an odd question. "B-because you're my step-daughter! I trust you..to respect my privacy!" Anya's eyes widened and sparkled when she heard Yor say that. "Fank you, Mama! Mama can put her stuff on Anya's desk or drawer!" She ran over and pulled the drawer out, allowing Yor to put the things inside. "Awh, thank you, thank you, thank you! Anya-San!" "Hehe, no problemo!" She covered her eyes with her palms as Yor slipped inside the items. My weapons..files of clients..bloody stuff..more stuff..I don't think Anya will understand what these are! Yor closed the drawer and hugged Anya. "Thank you, Anya-San! It's quite late now, so why don't you get ready for bed?" She smiled and Anya jumped around. "Yay! Ok, Mama!" Anya ran to the bathroom as Yor let out a relieved sigh. Luckily, Anya-San is so young, and she wouldn't look through the stuff, right?


  "Du-du! Killer punch, kapow! Anya wants to see Mama's stuff!" Anya giggled as she looked through the drawers and tried finding which one it was. "This one!" Anya pulled on the drawer and tried pulling it open. Mmm! Open, drawer! And just like that, the drawer popped open. "Yay!" Anya tip-toed to get to its level, and there it was, all of Yor's stuff! Mama's golden toothpicks! She held them up and poked the table with it. "Wow!" She put them away and looked through other papers. The people Mama killed! She took the whole stack out and dropped it on the floor. She flipped through each one, each having the word "complete" with black ink and pressed onto the middle of it. I wonder if Papa will be here! And fortunately, his alias, or code name, wasn't on there. Mama killed so many people! Wow! Mama must like this job! Anya giggled and looked through each sheet before a knock was heard on her door. "Anya?" Loid called for Anya and she sharply turned her head to the door. SHOCK! Papa is here! Anya needs to hide the papers! "Are you asleep?" "N-no, Anya is..drawing!" She looked around and picked the stack up as she ran back to the drawer and dropped it inside. "Can I come in? I'd like to see your drawing." Oh no! Anya quickly took a piece of paper and grabbed a few crayons as she scribbled on the paper and yelled back, "ok!" He walked inside and took a look at the drawing as he inspected it. "A-ah..does Papa like Anya's drawing?" He placed it back on the table and Anya let out a quiet sigh. Papa didn't notice! Anya smiled and he nodded in reponse. "Yes, the tiger looks very nice." She stared blankly back at Loid and he looked a bit startled. "Papa. That's a giraffe." Dammit! I mean- in my defense, this looks like something she would draw every day! "E-er..anyways, you should head to sleep. Tomorrow, you need to study, don't you?" She nodded and got up. "Ok." Anya sounded deflated as she ran past Loid and opened the door as he sighed. Is she that dumb or what? Does she think that I actually took the bait? I also seriously need to find her a tutor for arts..

Loid walked over to her table and checked each drawer. Which one is it? Each one, he popped open, and it was either empty, or filled with random stuff. Finally! This one! It was-wait, locked? Well, there was no actual lock on it. Was the drawer jammed? Dammit! Loid pulled on it with a bit more strength. The hell? How do you get this out? "Anya-San?" !!!! Oh no! It was Yor! What was she doing here? "Er..yes, Yor-San?" "O-oh! Sorry! I didn't notice that it was you! I..just need to get something!" Shoot! She's probably here for the things inside the drawer! "Come in!" Loid swiftly glided to Anya's book bag and pretended to look through it."Sorry for disturbing you! I just need to grab something really quickly!" "No worries, take your time. I'm just checking if Anya has everything in her school bag." Yor nodded and walked over to the drawer. No way she can open that.. Loid watched by the corner of his eye to see what Yor had needed. Oh, surprise, surprise. With ease, Yor pulled the drawer and took a few papers, with something else he couldn't identify. What. The. Hell. This could only come down to two options.

A) Yor's superhuman
B) Yor's also a spy??

  Actually, scratch that. Chances were that Yor was just superhuman. Yor hugged them with her arms and opened the door. "Thank you, and goodnight!" Yor left the room and closed the door as Loid let out a sigh. She didn't catch on..but how'd she even manage to open that? He picked up Anya's book bag and placed it on the chair. He stepped outside and called for Anya. "Anya, you can go in your room now if you're ready." Anya ran over and fixed her sleeping hat. "Oki-doki, goodnight Papa." She skipped inside as Loid stepped aside. "Goodnight." He walked into his room, but he had noticed Yor wasn't there? Wait..I shouldn't be talking right now. Yor doesn't need to be sleeping in the same room as me, I just thought it'd be more convenient for the both of us..but I can't assume such things like this. Loid stepped outside into the living room and didn't see anybody there. Well, besides Bond, who was trotting over to Anya's room. What th- where is Yor? How odd, no Yor at night, no where in sight, and the window was closed as well? I mean, it was still a bit open, but it allowed the air to breeze inside, I guess. Could she have sneaked out? She might've used the window, but she's obviously not stupid to not close it. And if she had used the door, I would've been able to hear it.

To make things easier, let's go through the checklist :

1) Was Yor no where to be seen? ✔️
2) Was she inside there apartment? ❌
3) Was the door locked? ✔️
4) Was there any escape usage? ✔️
5) Was there anything that led up to the use of escape? ✔️

  Yep, it was confirmed. Yor had most definitely sneaked out.


  It feels wrong..I shouldn't have sneaked out for the assassination! I should've just asked for a different time.. Thorn Princess jumped on walls and ran across them as she looked around for the destination. Today's-tonight's, client was :

Name : Fiona Frost
Code name : Nightfall
Occupation : Agent
Agency : WISE
Sex : Female
Age : N/A
Date of Birth : N/A
Image of client :

Name : Fiona FrostCode name : NightfallOccupation : AgentAgency : WISESex : FemaleAge : N/ADate of Birth : N/AImage of client :

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Alright, this should be easy. First off, Nightfall? Seriously? Whose code name is Nightfall? At this rate, you don't even need to continue. Secondly, her-hold up. Her jaw dropped as she read the top of the page again. F-Fiona? Spy! H-h-how is Fiona a spy? Isn't she a doctor? O-or..a specialist? Wh-what if she endangers Loid! H-how should I tell him? Thorn Princess looked around as she took a few steps back. N-no! I can't! Fiona..she's one of Loid's friends! I..I can't kill her..or let anybody! Sh-she's been treating me quite nicely..I don't understand, what did she do?

word count : 2239

A/N : hi guys! sorry for not posting on wends & thurs..idk why I didn't tbh..but hopefully this one is good! break finally started for me, what about you guys? I think it should've already, and hopefully it has! hope you guys have fun this break, and have a good day/night!

(I will still be posting!)

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