part 69

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And his gaze stopped ....his mouth fell apart as emotions overwhelmed his brain. The memories hitting him hard ...what was ....she ..doing here ?.......what was Layla doing there ?..... obviously she was with him ....rolling his eyes ,he took a deep breath as she stood there .....with her long blonde hair open ,standing with him ,she giggled as she took a sip from her wine glass. But then something hit his brain ......why was Melissa shocked ? Maybe she knew about Layla but had she ever seen her ?....

His eyes travelled to her ....her who was still shocked seemed at if she had stopped breathing. How would he explain the situation to her ? ....

Meanwhile at the pent house ....

Scarlett standing again at the terrace as the moon rose higher and higher,took a deep breath ...her eyes empty from the usual life she had .taking a deep breath holding herself from crying ,she decided to get some sleep ...walking inside towards her ,she felt some movement and stopped ....
Hiding behind the corner ....her mind instructed her to not peep ...but her heart and the curiosity in her depressed the wish of her brain ...the conflict inside her ...heart always won that conflict.

Curiosity is a factor .....a factor with different faces. Most of the time this curiosity leads to the reveal of secrets. Deep secrets of the universe!!. But those secrets .....they are not always good for human knowledge. Sometimes this curiosity leads to ....destruction. And when this curiosity is about to lead us to destruction.....our hearts ...they warn us of the consequences but us humans we don't listen to our hearts.

Taking a deep breath ,holding back her tears while her heart begged her to not peep ,,she listened to her brain and peeped .....and that was the worst mistake she had ever made ....cause outside his love's room was standing him....and her ....

Suga holding Henley's hand was looking In her eyes. Scarlett's heart skipped a beat and she felt her heart sinking as if ....she was drowning in the deep ocean of blood. Life again leaving her eyes ....she tried to calm herself by telling herself that this is what fate is.....suga is for Henley and Henley is for him and she ?.....she is an obstacle between those two. Even though his broke her heart ,she continued to look. he was advancing towards her lips ....her heart sank further. Their lips inches away and so was her heart ...inches away from bursting ....just before they kissed someone pulled her back ..into the terrace.

She was panting .....panting with intense emotions as tears were now impossible to hold back .....she didn't look at who stopped her. ....she knew someone was standing behind her but she didn't care ....panting and breathing really loud ,her impulsive self woke up ......the moment when humans only think about their pain and not the good things of life ....the moment when they think is not good for them in any way. The weak moment when humans decide to destroy themselves rather than destroying the world.

She ran towards the reeling with the intention of jumping and ending the pain forever. But before she could .....a strong embrace held her from behind. She tried to fight the strong arms ......the person who was holding her from behind. She kicked and punched and screamed ......When he didn't let her go .....she let herself go .....letting out all of her tears ,she sobbed ......while he held her ....after crying for about 20 minutes ,she stopped and was looking at the tree ahead with eyes that were dead ....the eyes that were exhausted ...while he ...he still held her ...

Finally letting her go she turned ,not curious to see who it was but to know why he did that ...

Namjoon stood there with pain in his eyes ......pain for her ! She was not mistaken when she saw a few tears glistering in his eyes.

Namjoon :" why ?...why are you hurting yourself like this Scarlett ?....I know life has been hard for you are broken ...I know that !....but have pity on me ..I can't see your tears and I can't see you destroying yourself !"

Her mouth was now half open ....the emotions they were not even shocking her anymore. Did he have feelings for her ?

Namjoon :" give me a chance ?.....just one chance. I don't know if I can ever heal you but .....I want to try !"

Scarlett then spoke with her voice tired ...
Scarlett:" you want me? want a girl who is broken ? want a girl who tried to seduce your friend. A woman like me ? want a woman who has a crush on your brother ....on your freind ?..."

Namjoon :" it doesn't matter for me! doesn't. As long as you won't cry long as you won't hurt yourself ...none of that matters for me !"

At the party ....

Melissa's mouth still half opened ....her breath stopped and her turned red ... taehyung noticed her confusion and anger and related it to Layla 's prescence.

Slightly turning her face with soft touch ,he raised his eyebrows in confusion.

Taehyung:" Melissa ?...are you alright ?"

She was clearly panicking ....worry filling his eyes ,he held her hand and slightly squeezed her ensuring his prescence. Taking a deep breath ,she said.

" Taehyung...the snake's eyes ...he is here !.... didn't you say this was a party for bosses. So he was not minion?....he was a boss ?"

His eyes expanded ....snake's eyes was a boss ....following her gaze ,his eyes noticed his existence....snake's eyes ....

His sworn enemy of the strongest and most brutal person in the underworld. He was standing there .......with the wine glass in his hand as he laughed with an old person. His blonde mullet and ice cold blue eyes .....with Greek nose and high cheekbones ..he looked brutal.

He the snake's eyes ....Adien Romeo !..... taehyung's sworn enemy ...had their parents !! was a huge ....huge problem !

Taehyung again squeezed her hand and caressed her cheeks while looking at her with comforting eyes.

Taehyung:" don't worry Melissa !...I am with you...don't show that you know him okay !"

While he was talking to her ...Layla caught glimpse of him ...with him ....a lady ! ....such a beautiful lady ...her smile vanished as she placed the wine glass on the tray held by a waiter. Clicking her heels ,she reached taehyung while crossing her arms.

Rolling her blue eyes ,she cleared her throat to attract both of them.

Layla :" long time no see!....I see you are here with a lady ...!"

This was the first time ,a lady had approached Taehyung like that was enough to worry Melissa !...

Taehyung panicked a little on her prescence ....and glanced at Melissa who was confused.

Clearing his throat ,he said in a low tone.

" Melissa !....this is Layla !...Layla ! ..this is Melissa !... The love of my life !"

Melissa was still sitting ...while Layla and Taehyung stood around her.

Every cell of her body shocked ....Layla was alive ?...she was not lost ?....what was happening? ..why was she at the party ?...Soo many questions swarmed her mind.

She felt a strong gaze as her cheeks warmed up .....she looked around to only find Adien Romeo.....staring her existence with eyes ....with those eyes that sent creeps throughout her body ....he smirked ..interested and mesmerized by her extreme beauty ....

Leaving his wine glass ,he walked towards them ....her heart beating faster and faster as he came closer...but then something....someone came in the scene and she was shocked .... Not able to breath ...what was happening?...

LADY SATANSTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon