part 47

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She fell right on taehyung's seat except that it felt really soft.......why ?? Because while she was standing and Lucy and Jungkook's were running like toddlers, taehyung had sat on his chair.  Feeling melissa sitting on his lap ,his heart beat crossed 150. He stopped breathing and he just hoped that his heart beat was not audible.  Melissa immediately stood up , embarrassed in front of all others. Jin was making wierd faces trying to hold back his laughter. Olivia and suga looked like they didn't give a damn while Henley was also holding back her smile. Taehyung was embarrassed as hell. Even though she sat on his lap for mere 14 or 15 seconds but those felt like years. He felt like he was about to faint. 

Why am I feeling like my heart beat is audible. I hope not !!

Bringing back his cold expressions except for the fact that his face was not pale like usual it was hot and red,he stood up. Clearing his throat he announced in again a bossy tone.

" I change my mind , we'll go tomorrow. Definitely not today !"

Then giving both Lucy and Jungkook a look of disappointment, he took two steps. Lucy and Jungkook were making angry faces and taunting each other with eyes. Taehyung turned back ,gave another look of disappointment to all of them ,nodded his head clearly announcing that he was surrounded by immature people,he made his way to god knows where but still out of the lounge. It was followed by all of them disappearing one by one until Lucy and Jungkook were alone there.

Lucy :" you are dead !! I hate you..."

Jungkook made a shocked face
" I am dead ? You hate me ? Well the later feeling is mutual but miss Lucy how am I dead ? You are the one running with the picture of me eating cookies !"

Lucy :" Jungkook you idiot ! It's your fault. I told you to make my bed. You didn't! So I was about to show them ..."

Jungkook:" I too have your picture. Eating lollypop! We had an agreement that we won't make each other do our chores !"

Lucy rolled her eyes and passed by him pushing him by his shoulder.

10 pm .....

Everyone was off to day was a big one for all of them. They were going to get the file. The file......that mere piece of paper was going to give them a lot of clues. Some kind of lead on where their families were .  They needed to rest. So everyone was in there rooms. Except for Jungkook.!! He was in the kitchen finding his cookies. The lights of the lounge were off that made the environment cosy or maybe spooky. Opening a cabinet ,his eyes caught glimpse of the cookie box. A mischievous and happy smile came on his lips as if a little kid had found his long lost toy he reached for the box and grabbed it.while closing his eyes ,he brought his nose close to the box and took a deep breath taking in the aroma of the cookies and then smiling like a little kid. He took one cookie and placed the box back. Advancing towards the fridge,he opened it and held the cookie between his lips, he took out the water bottle and was about to open the bottle when he heard a click sound.  That sound started coming close and closer to him. Even though he was the most feared torturer of the entire underworld,he was afraid of spooky things. He was definitely hearing the sound but was too afraid to turn around. Standing there like a statue as if the ghost won't say anything to him if he continues to act like a statue. The cookie still between his lips and the water bottle in his hands. His back was arched because a while ago he was trying to find  some more things to eat. The sound stopped right behind him. He felt the warmth of a body ,a prescence in the air. Mustering up all the courage ,he loudly swallowed saliva and turned around. That lead him to scream at the top of his lungs. The cookie between his lips fell breaking into crumbles. The water bottle also fell with a thump. The incoming figure also screamed taking a few steps back. Jungkook started panting heavily and while screaming and stepping back he had lost his balance so his one hand was holding the corner of the shelf and other was on the fridge door while his breath was uneven and his eyes were on the floor. He raised his eyes and looked at the startled figure trying to see in the light shining from the fridge. The background dark he barely recognized the facial features. Then in disbelief he almost yelled

" Lucy !!!"

Lucy :" yes ! Why did you scream ! You startled me bro !"

Jungkook:" bro ?"

Lucy was really fond of dressing up. At 10 pm when everyone was in bed ,she was roaming around the walk in closet and trying on different dresses. Finally she changed into her night suit but then her eyes got stuck on the makeup product. Her eyes shone with excitement. Approaching them with zero skill of makeup and makeup product she took a dark brown lipstick and applied it on her lips. That was fine ! Lipstick was easy until she found the eyeshadows. Like a little toddler playing with the shades. She applied a lot of shades on her eyelid and below it too. That made her look like someone punched her one eye and the other eye looked like it came straight out of horror movie.  Trying to contour she put ten times dark shade of contour on her cheeks and nose that made her look like a skeleton. And on top of that she used tons of blush. Looking like a ghost that came out of a horror comic book ,she decided to drink something and that's when Jungkook almost pissed his pants.

Lucy rolled her eyes while Jungkook 's eyes were still wide open with disbelief of what he was seeing.

Jungkook:" am I hallucinating. Are you really Lucy ?? I don't think so ...."

Still scared and trying his best to even his breaths and heartbeat he said in a shaky voice. That was followed by Lucy rolling her eyes again.

Lucy :" I am Lucy ......umm I caught you eating cookies in the library remember! Is it enough to proof ?"

He finally calmed down and looked at his crumbled cookie that was on the floor with sad eyes. Then looked at Lucy who was closely observing him. 

Jungkook:" whaaat ?? Why do you look like that ?"

Lucy :" it's makeup. I did makeup. Everyone does !"

Jungkook with confusion:" you should be asleep ! And you are cosplaying as a ghost in almost middle of the night ?"

Lucy with anger :" ghost ??? .....I did normal makeup "

While she was explaining that what she did was normal makeup and not ghost makeup. He swiftly took out his phone and clicked a photo. Which of course led her to get angry and he began laughing like an evil person.

Lucy :" what the ......why would you click the pic ?"

Jungkook:" now I have two blackmailing pictures. One is the ghost one and the other one is the lollypop ! Well .....don't want to offend you but ....."

Then he started laughing and giggling.

Lucy with anger in her eyes :" what ??"

Jungkook:" I might be a guy but I know normal makeup doesn't look like that. And I'll advice you to never do that again or else someone might die and you'll become a murderer!"

He knew that was going to flare her anger so he ran and went in his bedroom.

          Next morning
Everyone was awake having breakfast. Except for suga ! They had to leave in about 2 hours. It was a big morning and really necessary for all of them to get energy in there bodies. But suga was absent.  Henley entered the lounge when taehyung looked at the clock. Clearing his throat ,he said

:" suga is still asleep ?? He shouldn't be. " Then he took a deep breath and nodded his head again in disappointed. Suga was always like that. He didn't care for his health or anything ;that was something that made taehyung anxious. He cared about suga a lot. 

Jhope remembered something and as Henley was about to sit he asked her to bring a bag in his room. It had some necessary documents he had to show to taehyung. Henley immediately stood up and with a gentle smile on her face ,she started walking the hallway. Only then was it when she realized that suga and jhope shared a freaking room and suga was in his room sleeping. But she had already agreed so of course she couldn't deny. Her hand was on the door handle and she was mustering up courage to enter his room. Even his room had a horror aura. Taking a deep breath and hoping that he was asleep ,she entered the room.

Thankfully he was in deep sleep. She walked on tip toes and reached the bag jhope had asked for. With extreme care ,she picked up the bag. But yeah doom was at her door because she dropped it. And she was sure that it was loud enough to wake him up. She turned her head and shivers went down her spine........

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