part 62

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He barged in and as soon as his eyes saw the scene ahead he felt like someone took away his breath .....feeling like someone was chocking him ,he closed his eyes hoping for all of this to be a dream. Pinched himself to wake him up if it was a nightmare. Opening his eyes slowly, while suga was standing behind him equally shocked , taehyung felt like someone pulled the land beneath his feet. And within no time ,his eyes started shedding tears. Tears ?......that was something he hadn't felt in years. Since his little angel died,his eyes had forgotten about crying. What does crying feel like ? How do tears feel like? He had forgotten all of it. But now ......he was crying like a 5 year old. He again frantically ran towards her bed. But tripped over his own feet and fell on one knee. Trying his best to breath ,he again looked at her bed.

Melissa was lying there unconscious....but the condition she was in ....he didn't want to see a single scratch on her existence and there she was!!...laying on that white hospital bed covered in wounds. Her red blood showing though the bandages. Her beautiful face had enormous amount of little cuts and bruises. The white plaster around her arm indicated that it broke. The oxygen mask ?....was she not able to breath without it. Machines and tubes connected to her body. He pulled himself up and again ran towards her bed. Falling besides her bed again ,he held her hand and clenching it in his own he started crying like a baby. Please take away her pain ,transfer it to me ! Seeing your loved one in pain is more painful than death itself.

The doctor entered but seeing such emotional scene she decided to go out but suga stopped her. Pulling himself together , taehyung looked at the doctor with pain and tears in his eyes. The doctors started explaining

"The impact was ......huge. She survived .....consider that as a miracle .....on top of that she is fine. Her arm has a minor crack that ,would heal in about two weeks ....nothing major besides this. Her spine suffered major jerks but miraculously didn't break .... she'll need to rest a lot for that and not carry the minimal weight either. .....the only thing is her consciousness....hope for her to wake up ...once she does she'll be out of danger ..!"

Reporting to him like that she went out. Suga went after her but then saw Scarlett who was running like crazy towards him. Reaching close to him ,she entered the room and as soon as her eyes saw the scene ahead ,she started crying. All the girls had reached as well as boys. Everyone was extremely shocked on seeing Melissa like that. Some were quietly trying to process that it was Melissa in that condition. Jhope crouched besides taehyung who was still crying holding her hand near his face. His eyes closed and he was sobbing. And all of them were shocked because taehyung was the last person they thought would ever cry. The shock from Melissa's condition was so much that everyone forgot about Henley ! .....Scarlett realized and spoke
" Where ....Henley ?"

At her question everyone stopped and looked at each other realizing that Henley was with Melissa. Anna's heart started beating faster and she looked at Jin. He tightened his grip on her hand to comfort her. Suga started walking out of the room and Scarlett followed him. Reaching the counter he spoke.

" There was another girl .....with the patient in room number 17. The accident victim ? Where is she?"

He spoke in a calm tone. The woman on the counter at his question looked at him in surprise ,then looked at Scarlett who was standing besides him. Her gaze had something uncomfortable about it which raised the concerns in both of their hearts.

And Scarlett's heart dropped when the woman stood up.Signaling them to follow her ,she started walking in the direction opposite to the counter. Both of them followed her. With every rising step their hearts sank .....what was with the expressions? Was Henley okay? Her expressions were opposite as if she was surprised about something both of them didn't know. Then why didn't she say anything? Melissa was already not conscience. She was injured but not too badly. The only thing concerning about her was her unconsciousness. Doctors suspected she might be in coma but there were strong chances of her coming back.

Everyone was now in the lobby of the hospital. Suga and Scarlett were no where to be found. And no body noticed. Everyone knew they went to find out about Henley. Melissa was on everyone's mind. Was she going to wake up ? Boys were concerned about taehyung's health. He was not himself at that moment. He was panicked ,he seemed to be In a lot of pain. Extreme sobbing had exhausted him but he wasn't listening to anyone. For the past half hour ,he had been sitting in the same position besides her bed near her face. His hand was still holding hers and he was still crying. Listening to no one. Even though doctors confirmed that the patient has high chances of getting her conscience back ,he didn't listen. All he cared was that her prescious melissa was hurt. Already knowing what his next move would be ,Jimin and Jungkook were on their way to find the cause of the accident and the person who did this.

But it was an accident in the end. All CCTV footages they had seen pointed the fault to be theirs. Melissa looked distracted in the footage and that was what had caused the accident. The man in the other car was also in a critical condition.

He still holding her hand had his eyes closed. The room was silent ......why was she not opening her eyes ? Why ? The silence in the room was destroying his existence. Why wasn't she talking ? ......why couldn't he protect her ? Why did his fate had to be this cruel to him ? Why ?........what had he ever done ?....

Opening his eyes ,he looked at her face. Her face ? looked lifeless. Feeling a sharp pain in his chest he caressed her cheek.

" Why are you doing this to me Melissa ! .......wake up ! Please ........I can't loose you Melissa ! You have my heart and my soul. Can anyone live without them......I ..... CAN'T.......LOOSE .......YOU!.....I can't Melissa ! Didn't I tell you to take care of yourself! Didn't I tell you that my heart had stopped beating for my own self. It is beating for you and only you........I wish I was there with you ! What were you feeling ? Alone ! The pain you felt .....oh GOD ! Transfer this pain to me your eyes Melissa!
Don't close them. You know I love your eyes then why did you close them !...why Melissa ? Why my love ? Why ....."

He burst into crying thinking about never seeing her open eyes again. The thought of not listening to her voice ever again .....not being able to see her eyes ever again. Not being able to ever talk to her again ........he started crying with so much pressure that he almost fainted. Still holding her hand he clenched it strongly.

Feeling his breath getting uneven and his heart almost stopping ,he took a deep breath. But then .......

He felt a soft touch and a movement on the bed. But he didn't open his eyes. What if it is a dream ! His heart would shatter. His head still bowed ....his hand still holding hers. A soft touch .....a touch he can never not recognize. A touch he craved! A touch that was enough to keep him alive. The soft Hand caressed his hair and he with a jerk looked at her. His life !!.......with disbelief,he looked at her eyes. She was awake.!...her deep grey eyes .....he was looking into them. With Tears of joy and disbelief ,he kissed her hand like crazy ......he kissed her cheek and caressed her hair. Didn't say a word !...her smile showed that she had heard atleast a few words of him.

When she spoke her voice was tired and sore.

" Taehyung !?.."

He attentively looked at her with questioning eyes.
" Yes my love ! angry bird !... I'll call the doctor !"

He stood up and almost ran outside. With a smile he was about to announce that Melissa woke up. But then ......Scarlett almost came running grabbing everyone's attention. She hugged Anna who was the first one who came in front of her. Crying she spoke

" Henley ...she ..."

But what suga did next didn't let her complete her sentence. He fell with disbelief and sorrow. ......he fell on his knees and started crying ..... For the very first time in his life .....he was showing emotions

And this pulled the land beneath their feet within seconds ....was Henley....?

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