part 60

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As his eyes caught glimpse of the tears. The tears he did not want to see for the very first time ,anger built inside him. Yes !!!......namjoon was angry and wanted to fight.  The person he was ....the kind of person who hated conflict.!! All kinds of conflict.!! Who hated shouting and believed everything could be resolved without anger and with talking. He was not just angry but furious. His fury doubled when he saw her running towards her room. What had happened with him ?......within a day or two his whole world had went upside down.he became a whole new person. A person who started believing in love fate anger destiny ......and in rebellion..

With extreme anger he banged Suga's door,startling him. Suga looked at him in extreme surprise. An emotion that almost had never came on his face. Even in the hardest times ,he never showed the expressions of shock but seeing namjoon ....the calmest person he knew bang his door like that was enough.....his shock multiplied when his eyes went to namjoon's face. His face was like lava and he doubted himself when he almost saw steam. Namjoon took huge aggressive steps and stood real close to him. Suga who was sitting on his worktable working on his project stood up and with shock and questions in his eyes starting walking towards the balcony. Taking out a cigeratte and lighting it ,he signaled namjoon who was still panting from the anger to come into the balcony. Namjoon was surprised at the audacity this person had ......for the first time he did not like his own brother.....his own friend.

Now both of them were standing in the balcony and the only thing so far happening was quietness and the smoke from Suga's cigeratte. He was not going to ask ? Was he ?

Namjoon :" why?......just one question suga !! Why ?"

He looked at namjoon. Taking a deep breath he just questioned him with his eyes using minimum words.

Namjoon took a deep breath preventing himself from breaking his friend's nose.
Namjoon :" don't act like a know what I am talking about. ......why ? Why are you such a bad person? .....why punishing yourself and the poor girl?Why do you think you don't deserve to be loved?. Why do you want to stay alone in this gloomy room? Let her be yours. She'll be happy and maybe you will be to.  Her would change you.  "

Suga :" did she cry in front of you ?"

Namjoon :" that is not something that is important. It's definitely not important.  ...what is important? Why ? Why break her heart .....she is Soo pretty and nice and she loves you too. ..."

Suga :" she is immature ......she is still a child. I doubt she loves me ....I think it's a childish crush. And she doesn't know who she is getting involved with. "

Namjoon's eyes expanded at his words. Immature love ...? Was he really that cold ?

Namjoon :" she'll hurt herself. !!"

Suga :" see ! Immature love !"

Namjoon :" what do you know about love ? It makes you do stuff you have never imagined !"

Suga threw the cigeratte butt and looked at him with sarcastic expressions

" So now you believe in love ! I think you are the one who might be in love !"

His words pushed the brake at Suga's words.  A gloomy expression came on his face. Suga walked to his worktable and picked up the tiny metal thing he was working on it. Examining it from close he blew in it to get rid of the dust.

Namjoon was still on the balcony wondering over Suga's words. Finally walked in and said

" She .....loves you !"

Suga :" I tried give her a chance but no matter what I don't feel anything when I look at her ..... if I say yes , it'll only ruin her life. She won't be happy with me, at a time she'll realize that she made a mistake but then it'll be too late. ... ..she is immature and a child and her stubborn wish . "

LADY SATANSTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon