part 73

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His next words went past his ears like a hot iron rod piercing his insides.

Andrew :" as for the final test dear boy .... you'll have to kill a human being !'

And his heart stopped beating ....he was ready to do anything for Layla but killing a human with a soul and beating heart. With ideas and thoughts ....with dreams he wants to fulfill?.....and just killing someone itself sounds something his sensitive ,pure soul couldn't imagine dealing with ......fear rolling in his eyes as he gulped taking down the saliva to moisten his throat that was so dry it felt like it would crack. But was it possible to go back now ?.....he was too far now. Either he kills someone or he gets killed ...nodding his head in approval ,hiding his fear ,he grabbed the bottle of water a weak new boy was offering him and chugged it down to calm his nerves ...

Moving out of that worn out warehouse didn't seem Soo good now .....because his heart knew what was ahead ....and this was just the beginning...making his mind to research on his victim and approve only if the person is bad and deserves to be doomed ...he followed Andrew out of that warehouse living at a decent place ,he opened the can of beer ....squeezing the can with his powerful fists ....his hands now showing what he had been through with ,rough lines and scars all over ....veins bulging out as he took a huge sip of the beer. Standing at the kitchen island as the light above his head created a spotlight for him in the darkness of the room ....he chugged down the beer with frustration. The ring of his phone screeching through the silence and deep darkness .....with fear ,he opened the text and the image attached with it ....the victim ...the soul that was about to leave this damned world ...the heart that was about to stop beating ...and because of who ?..because of Taehyung. The boy who once played among flowers and clouds ......the boy who cried because he once killed an ant ....his mum worrying how he would survive in the cruel world ....that same boy was about to kill a living creature ....and not just any living creature but a human....

His terrified eyes laid on the picture and somehow he was relieved a little was atleast not a child or a girl ...a man in his 40's with rough appearance and dead eyes ....a huge scar on his left eye and with light shave he looked demonic was his time to research on what it was.....

But for this he needed a hacker ....someone who could help him understand the secrets of dark world ..... frustration embracing his existence as the realization hit him....that he was alone .....not even a single soul was known by him. Taking a deep frustated breath ,wearing his new Adidas joggers , deciding to again chug down an entire bar ,he left his new apartment.....the sun setting like his heart sinking .....the darkness embracing the world as the time when evil flourishes starts ....ignoring every single soul passing by him he walked straight ahead .....until someone caught his precious attention. A handsome young boy wearing spectacles was trying to protect his face as a group of bullies with tattooed slim arms and legs were beating the shit out of him while he just stood there protecting his existence without fighting them back ....for a moment he stopped .....taking a deep breath making up his mind. Should he help him ? Or should he not?...the evil darkness is already part of his  existence but somewhere a light of pure sweetness awoke in his heart leading him to pick up a discarded bat and beating the shit out of those bullies .... without taking a single blow he made those 6 boys cry ....running while cursing his existence,those boys made him smirk sarcastically. Now that they were gone ....silence and darkness awaited him in the alley along with the handsome boy who was brutally tortured but surprisingly his face didn't have a single scratch.....

Lending him his strong muscular arm , Taehyung helped the boy up ....
Rolling his eyes at the coward,he spoke

" Why didn't you fight back ?...atleast you should have landed a punch or two on one of them. "

The boy rolled his eyes and spoke in arrogance.

" I was busy protecting my face idiot ....the world would be at loss if this pretty face of mine gets scratched "

At this his eyes opened wide like the window in the morning ....what was this boy ? ...

" Oh by the way my name is Seokjin !...where did you learn that fighting ....? was insane !"

Rolling his eyes again at Seokjin's question and throwing the bat away ,he started walking away to his original destination.

Seokjin while following him exclaimed.

" I actually have nowhere to go ! mom married another dude today and so did my father ....he married another woman ...and I ..I alone nowhere to go ..with the money I had I was trying to hack an account and get an apartment on my name but these damn bullies..."

The word " hack " shook Taehyung...lights of hope reflecting through his eyes as he aprubtly turned startling jin ....with excitement he asked.

Taehyung:" you are a hacker ?"

At his question Jin proudly raising his head and smiling said " of course "

Light shining in his eyes even brighter like the lone star in the dark sky ....

Taehyung:" will you help me ? return I would let you live with me !!"

The offer was what both of needed.  Immediately agreeing and reaching the apartment,Jin immediately started researching on the man. His hacking skills were amazing ...

" What are you up against Taehyung?..this dude ,he is a murderer and a rapist ..he is also a pedophile. ....wait are you really in the mafia ?"

With utter astonishment Jin exclaimed embarrassing Taehyung as he didn't know if Jin would leave him or join him after knowing what he does.

Taehyung:" it's not like that .....I ...I .entered to find my girlfriend..she was abducted but now I have to kill this man and .."

Interrupting his words ,Jin with excitement almost shouted.

" Cool !let's make a really good gang ."

A gang ?....that's what he never thought. His own mafia ? would change things and make them a lot lot easier....he wouldn't have to do gruesome ruthless things on anyone's order but first he needed a strong group that could fight .....

He killed the man Andrew had asked him and was  honoured by him with the official title of a made man or soldier. The first rank in the mafia!.
That's when he came across suga who worked as a professional hired assassin but his rules were similar to them killing of innocent ...Jimin and jhope were found in an alleyway beating the shit out of an opposite group.....namjoon after being abandoned was found negotiating with a shopkeeper in the most manipulating and evil way possible ....

And Jungkook was just a little boy abandoned by his family and trained by Taehyung to become one of the most ruthless monsters in the underworld.....mastering their skills and making their roots unbreakable....they were now a strong group known as " mafia kings "......the mafia kings....killing Andrew and a lot of other rivals made them even more stronger. ....time flew and two years passed with no sign of her ....for her he had entered the dark world ....selling his innocence and his life ....  The slight light of life still flickered in his honey brown eyes ....those seven were now like blood brothers ....smiling and living a better life with each other. 

Sleeping in his warm bed while dreaming about her ....he was brought back to the bitter reality ...when his phone ringed ....yawning and opening his eyes slowly as the Sunrays tickled his eyes ....his shirtless self glowing in the Sunrays like the gold glittering.

With his deep voice he spoke
" Hello ?"

And his eyes expanded as after Soo many hardships ...after starving for days ,after killing hundreds of men ,after being covered by scars and bruises ,he finally had a clue. The light of life in his eyes was now converting into full light again. Tears with extreme emotions at the verge of flowing as he hastily wore his shirt. Running out and jumping in his car ,he ignited the engine but before he could push the accelerator ,Jimin hoped in like a rabbit.

Reaching his destination,he ran out into the huge building that stood in front of him ....pressing the lift as if waiting was not an option ,he opt to take the stairs up to the 6 floor ....along with Jimin who was trying to keep his pace with him ....reaching the room ,he almost broke the door while opening it .... and then his eyes saw something they should have never ....

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