part 2

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Subsequently, Melissa laid her eyes on the individual she despised most in the entire world, who bore a striking resemblance to their boss. His face was obscured by a mask, and his head was swathed in black cloth, although his eyes were visible. His eyes were reminiscent of that of a snake, with a glossy blue hue, yet sharp and piercing. Initially, they all assumed that the intruders were mere burglars, so they decided to wait until they left. After waiting for two hours, they descended to the main hall, only to find it completely deserted, without a single soul in sight. They searched the entire house, including every single bathroom, but to no avail, as they had taken all of them, adults and children alike. This realization dawned on them that the abductors had taken their families, presumably for the purpose of human trafficking. Given that all 30 to 40 individuals present had been taken, it was evident that the abductors were a formidable organization, possibly a mafia group.

And since the police closed the case Soo early ,this point proved that it was a strong mafia group

Present day

Everyone was lost in thought, thinking about their siblings, little sisters, and parents. It was a massive shock, and the most painful thing was their sense of helplessness. Their families might still be alive out there somewhere, but they were unable to do anything to rescue them.

Melissa:" I have made a decision I won't sit here and let my family die out there !"

Anna " mal ! What are you going to do. What can you possibly do ?"

Melissa :" find the kidnappers of our families and find our parents........and....and if they are not alive then I'll find .... I'll..... I'll find their murderers and kill them but first I'll make them regret their entire existence! "

Billie :" I appreciate that you are desperate to find the killers or kidnappers. But dear Mal how are you going to do that. The police couldn't.......

Melissa (tears of anger and sorrow in her eyes) raised her voice and said

" The police couldn't find ?......are you insane don't you have brain.the police didn't bother to find. Or was silenced with a lot of money. So I am going to find them in their own way"

Everyone was silent for a moment

Olivia:" and what exactly is their way ?"

Melissa:" we will become part of the underworld and become strong. Then make a list of every single mafia gang that deals with human trafficking and like that we will surely get some lead "

Henley:" Melissa first of all that's very difficult because we are girls and jumping right into a world of gangsters is not a really good thing for us. Second even if we manage to enter ,we will take at least 3 months to become strong enough to survive in the underworld"

Anna :" yeah and by then ,it's really sad and it hurts me to say but maybe our parents won't be alive !"

Melissa:" look as far as them being alive is concerned,it's all about luck maybe they will be alive. Even if we get unlucky or they get killed we'll find the murderers .....atleast take revenge ......atleast the life ahead wouldn't be Soo miserable.. atleast we would be satisfied that we took revenge "

Scarlett:" it's dangerous Mal !!"

Melissa responded with a sarcastic smile, "Oh, really Scarlett, dangerous? What do we have left in our lives? I would rather risk my life to find my parents than just accept that they are abducted, and maybe being tortured every day, or worse, already dead!0

Melissa:" look !! I am not forcing you guys to be with me in all this.... whether or not you are with me, I'll do it "

Olivia :" I am with you "
Every one together:"we are with you "

Lucy :" so how are we going to start"?

Melissa :" okay !!! first we are going to decide the jobs everyone will have .A good mafia group must have a hacker,a drug dealer,an assassin ,a torturer ,a good kidnapper and thief ,a really good fighter and most important of all .....a good boss "

Olivia :" right ! Good plan so how are we going to decide who is going to be what .....I have an idea remember when we were like 12 we played a gangster game and decided positions let's follow that ...remember ....I was the boss "

And everyone gave Olivia a death stare

Anna :" Olivia this is not a game we are playing neither it is a movie. This is real life !"

Melissa " let's just vote for the boss first. Then boss will decide the jobs of others According to their talent "

Henley :" sounds fair "

Melissa " let's start voting but before that....... everyone remember one thing .....we are jumping in a sea of fire and once we jump in there ,there will be no going back and the only way to survive there is to become fireproof. !"

Then they did voting and all the votes were of Melissa except one that was of Henley. So Mal was selected as the boss

Melissa :" ok so the thing is everyone in the group should know how to do basic fighting...and also know how to use the gun ..but master only one skill that I'll choose for you and as for me I will have to train really hard and become good in every thing "

Anna:" right "

Melissa:" Olivia ! You are good with computers Soo you will be the hacker. Take a hacking course of basic hacking for one month and then master it. Work day and night. Become the best hacker I will also learn basic hacking "

Olivia :" okay !!boss"

Melissa :" Scarlett you are stronger than all of us physically So you will be the main fighter take online fighting classes. And master your skills become a living weapon. I'll train with you "

Scarlett :" Roger boss !"

Melissa :" henley ! You are good at negotiation Soo you will be the drug dealer and make all kinds of deals. You don't have to train much but read good books on manipulation and deal making also you must be a good fighter Soo learn fighting!"

Henley " okay Mal !!"

Melissa:" as for you Lucy you .....will be the torturer. I chose this for you because you are emotionally the most stable person among us you are mentally strong and also brutal and violent. And you torture us with your words 24/7 so you will be a good torturer.i don't think you need training but read some tips and also learn good fighting"

Lucy :" yeahh just what I wanted "

Melissa:"Anna you are also physically strong but thin. And smart Soo I think you can be the one who will kidnapp and steal for us........and Billie your aim is good you will be the assassin also you are mentally stable train your asses "

Anna and Billie "yes boss"

Melissa " good now start training "

After a month had passed, Melissa was finding it particularly challenging. She felt like she had to excel in everything she did. She brewed a cup of coffee and walked over to the lawn where Scarlett was training, putting in a lot of effort.

Melissa :" do you think you are trained?"

Scarlett:" I am pretty good but I think I will need one more month to be the best !"

Melissa " right "

Scarlett : " hey Mal ! Let's fight "

Melissa responded, "Sure," and placed the coffee on the table before walking over to Scarlett. They began sparring with each other, and both were incredibly skilled. Neither of them landed a single hit on the other. Although Melissa was better than Scarlett, she intentionally didn't hit her. However, Scarlett managed to land a punch on Melissa's face, and she was both shaken and pleased at the same time.

Melissa:" nice you are getting better!!!"

Two months had passed, and everyone was sitting in the lounge. Melissa was out somewhere. Henley and Billie were discussing something, Anna was cooking, and Lucy was teasing Olivia by tickling her. Scarlett was busy on her phone. All of them had trained incredibly hard and were the best at what they did.

Melissa walked in and announced that they were going somewhere the next day.

Henley :" where ????"..............

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