part 61

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When a car at full speed crashed with theirs. All she noticed was an enormous jerk. A jerk that she had never felt before. A sharp pain travelled down her spine. Everything was in slowmotion. She accepted her fate and thought that everything does feel slow when you are about to loose your life. Her eyes caught a glimpse of Henley's body. She wasn't wearing seatbelt is all that she remembered. Henley's head hit the side mirror shattering the mirror into thousands of pieces. A few of them making small cuts across her faces. She was unconscious hopefully not dead. The windscreen broke and Henley flew out the windscreen before the car struck the road. The impact took only a few seconds but for her ......for Melissa it felt ages. She was seeing everything. The flying shattered glass pieces  ,the blood, Henley's flying body. She could feel and see but not move as time didn't allow her to. Finally the car hit the ground sending another sharp pain shiver down her spine. Maybe it broke. Her head hit the side mirror and she felt her eyes closing. The last thing she remembered was her trying to call ..trying to call his name.her worrying if she would ever be able to tell him how much she loves her. If she would ever be able to see him again

Melissa ..." Taehyu...."
And she was now drowning .....drowning into a sea of darkness. But she could breath in that sea. Everywhere she looked was dark water. As she was descending,the darkness increased and she was alone. Alone .......with no one one save her no one to be with her .....alone this was her destiny to float alone in the sea of darkness.

Taehyung in his room was roaming around his mind was occupied 24 hours. And everyone knew who had occupied his mind. As he roamed around ,,his mind was recalling every single moment they had together. Every single moment ....from the moment he saw her eyes her face ...from fighting her to loving her. Her lips....her scent. Wondering what part of hers was best. Her eyes ? Her talking? Her lips ? Her hair ? Her scent. And in the end he couldn't decide which part of hers was his favorite. But for a moment he wondered ....what had she done with him. She addicted him to herself.she was Soo necessary for him now. Her existence was what now mattered and when he said his heart had stopped beating for him .....he wasn't lying because that Is exactly what happened with him. He missed her even if she was not there for a few hours. His heart would always become restless if she was not in his sight. If her scent was not in the air ,he felt suffocation. If he wasn't touching her hair ,he felt  like lossing his sense of touch. They weren't sleeping together. They were dating but they hadn't slept together. Melissa said that she will sleep with him only when they get married. And it didn't matter because in love , ...the kind of love he was in was out of this world. He felt like it was more than enough to touch her hair or her lips. For him enough meant to see her as much as he wants. To listen to her voice was enough for him. Her mere prescence was enough but her was something he couldn't bear......she was like oxygen for him and he knew if someone separates them ..... he'll die.

Her face again flashed in front of his eyes and a smile came on his lips. Her eyes immediately softened. The desire to protect her ,let no one touch her again fluttered inside his heart.

20 minutes ago .....

Scarlett in her room was bawling her eyes. Balming her fate and her destiny for what was happening with her. First her family .....died and she was left alone and then the person she loves. .....suga ! He rejected her again and again she tried her best but couldn't win his heart. Why was it Soo difficult to melt his heart? What was it made of ?  She started sobbing quietly but then she took out her phone. Opening gallery ,she clicked on his picture. A picture she took secretly. Zooming in and tracing her finger along his jawline she looked into his eyes in his picture. All of her sadness returned on laying her eyes on his face. She hugged her phone with his picture and tried to comfort herself but that worked opposite. She started crying loudly and amid her crying the phone dialed......she didn't notice as she was busy in trying to become blind. And then that happened. When she was done with crying ,she looked at her phone.

Scarlett:" did I accidentally dialed ....oh shit Melissa would have heard my ugly crying "

Bringing the phone near her ear ,she spoke
" Hello ?"
But no answer. She repeated four to five times but realizing that no answer was coming she decided to hang it. Her finger was about to cut the call but then an uncomfortable feeling hit her. Her intuition telling her that something was off. Why was Melissa not cutting the call or answering. Henley and Melissa! They were in car ! What if .....

As the realization hit her ,she rushed towards taehyung's room. Barging in almost breaking the door ,she startled him, who was in the thoughts of his lover. While panting and almost crying she explained him the situation. His eyes expanded .......

Was this actually his fate ?  ....everyone that he loved. ...every single soul he loved ....that soul was bound to separate from his. First his little angel ,then Layla and now Melissa. But Melissa!!!...he couldn't afford to live without her .... he'll die. Holding himself back from thinking about bad thoughts ,he rushed outside and saw the first person that came in front of him. Holding Suga's arm he almost pulled him as he rushed outside. Sitting in his car ,he opened the location of the ring he had given to Melissa. The same ring that helped him save her the last time. Praying for her safety ,he rushed towards the location
It was on a road but it was not moving. That made him even more anxious. No ! Maybe they are eating something or maybe just stopping ...

He briefly explained the situation to suga. Rushing towards the location ,he looked at the road ahead..time was ticking and with every passing second his heart started beating fast and faster. Almost half kilometer before the location ,his heart almost stopped beating as his eyes met with the crushed vehicle. How could he not recognize that vehicle ! He was the one to give Melissa that vehicle. He felt his breath stopping ....hitting the brakes as he knew he was not able to drive ,he jumped out of his car. Suga did the same. The vehicle ahead was crushed ......crushed badly ...his eyes ..they recognized that scene. He was suddenly a child ......a child standing in front of McDonald's with a car crushed in front of his eyes .....his little angel......! She was laying there with blood on her beautiful face. Her lips were not smiling ....the smile he loved Soo much, he was not going to witness it ever again. He spent almost 10 plus years to make him a living person. To lift himself from that downfall and suddenly with a glimpse ,he was standing right where he had started. He and suga were standing there as if debating that going near the car was a good idea or not. Would he be able to look at! This can't be happening. He can't live the same nightmare again. He doesn't want to see her in that condition. But she could be alive .....what if she needs him. Hoping that somehow magically the car was empty during the impact ,he ran .....he ran frantically towards the car while suga knowing his past tried to stop him but he didn't stop .....with shocked eyes he slowed down a few steps behind the car. It was badly crushed. With his heart beating the most fast it has ever beaten ,he advanced towards the driving seat of the upside down crushed car. His eyes caught glimpse of that red stone. Immediately recognizing the red ruby ring ,he picked it up and strongly clenched it in his fist. Mustering up All the courage he had and holding back his tears ,hoping that ambulance had already taken them ,he crouched to look inside and took a deep breath when he realized the car was empty. A woman who was observing him.reached near him and tapped his shoulder startling him.

She told him about the hospital ,the ambulance had taken the victims. Rushing towards the hospital in his car ,he prayed for her to be fine and if she was not ....fine then he prayed for god to take him too.  Suga informed all the others to reach the hospital. He parked near the hospital and ran inside not caring if  suga was following him or not. This was one of the few times suga had seen him like this. This panicked ,this anxious!! 

Asking for them ,he got instruction to their room. A room ?  She was alive ?

Barging into the room ,his eyes ...they saw her ...and his heart sank .....he felt like someone had chocked him ...

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