part 72

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6 years ago .....
Taehyung stood on the road side ...... utterly shocked at what just happened. The smile on his face vanishing like a sun being embraced by a cloud.....his eyes stuck to where they were.....his whole existence stopped as if the time had stopped .....the time yes stopped for him while the world around him kept moving at its pace unaware of the heart ....that was at the verge of exploding .....Layla ....the girl he once never cared for....the girl who saved his life and brought the essence of life in his existence.....that girl was gone along with her blonde hair that like the Sun rays on a cold morning had brought warmth in his life .........with her blue eyes that like the clear sky helped him breath ....he was not in love with her but her was now something he needed to push himself to work and live everyday .....and that woman ...Layla was gone right in front of his eyes like she never existed and he was standing there helpless again. Was this his fate ? live alone without happiness ,without warm smiles and someone to care for him ......

Again at the verge of loosing his own life .....he was standing by the road alone in this world full of gloomy dark energy ...tears like drops of dew forming in his eyes ....ready to flow and wet his doomed face to bring him back to the world ....but then he decided .....clenching his fists ,his veins bulging out ,he took a deep breath pushing his tears back .......

" I won't give up on her ....she protected me ....she brought life back to me ....she needs me and I won't just sit back ...!"

Next few days ......he tried his best ....wasting his time in front of police ..spending every last penny he had saved get someone least a single soul to help him......but his expectations clashed with the reality ..the bitter reality of this world ....why was no one helping him ? one even bothered listening to his plead...

When all his efforts went to vain .....he sat at a bar ....drinking when he barely used to drink .....taking huge sips of beer gulping it down his throat ....making sure it burns every cell of his throat to the point his eyes form tiny dew drops .....he was punishing himself for not being able to do something about Layla the thought of her being touched and gazed on by ruthless animals crossed his mind ......with frustration he smashed the glass on the counter breaking it into thousands of pieces ....the pieces that resembled his heart ...

The bartender with shock and disgust looked at him....his mouth half open with disappointment and anger .... Taehyung noticed his anger and before he could blurt out some more bitter words to add to the bitterness of his life ....he stopped him while apologizing and telling him that he would pay for it .....

While again lost in the thoughts of bitter reality he was brought back into the world when someone tapped on his shoulder .....with a shock and question in his eyes ,he looked at the man ....the man who looked cunning as a wolf and handsome as an eagle ....towering him with a smirk ..

Without saying a single word increasing the tension in the air ,the man sat besides him on the stool signalling the bartender to bring him a beer ....the bartender seemed to be aware of the man and Taehyung was not mistaken when he saw fear in his eyes...

Looking at him with patience ,he gulped as he was just a scared little kid. Was this man going to add to his problems ?...

He finally spoke in his deep voice.....

" I am going to make an offer seem frustrated ....and anxious. Life escaped your eyes ....or did it ?
Mhm let me see !"

The mysterious man ....he peeked in taehyung's eyes. The eyes of a kid still showing emotions. The eyes that reflected fear ,anger, frustration ....and aimless thoughts.

" You still have life in your eyes ? ...I see that's a little bit of problem young man but I think you are a perfect candidate...I am going to ask some questions and you better answer them !"

Taking a pause as the fear in Taehyung's eyes multiplied,the man while looking at his soul through his eyes continued to ask questions
" Have any family ?"

He nodded his head as his words were denying to express himself.

" Have any home ?"

He again nodded his head as now he had nowhere to go ...the resources he had ....were already spent ..

" Any aim ? Or wish to live ?"

He had an aim but for once ...with his heart beating faster than the time he gulped and lied.

" No !"

The man at his final question smirked ....perfect !!..
" Tired of this bright world ...the world that pretends to be bright while it holds the darkest energy possible?....want to enter a new world where faces are not masks?...the underworld ?"

Was the man just offering him to enter the underworld? The world where criminals live ...the world that was dark ....but was it more dark than this fake world that only shows the brighter side of it while it holds some gruesome secrets. His pure soul tried it's best to prevent him from entering a new world ... because he knew there would be no return to this world once he enters .....about to refuse the man's offer ,he opened his mouth but then Layla's face flashed in front of his eyes sending guilty shivers down his spine. This was a chance .....a chance to find Layla ....with the power he'll hold ....that one face, it changed his destiny and his refusal turned into approval. .the deep dark smirk on the man's face deepened as he patted taehyung's shoulder.....

Man:" you shall be my masterpiece !"

The next he gave his existence to that man he was standing among all kinds of boys ....the place looked gruesome and disgusting with walls having traces of fungus and dirt .....the boys there panting from extreme exertion ,standing in vests that seemed to have been through world war 2,looked at Taehyung with disgust ...some with pity and some with the same evil smirk Andrew had on his face ....boxing and training equipment laying here and there sent shivers down his spine ....where has he sent himself ! already looked like hell. The next few months ...he spent in a new place ....a hell..the hell whose aim was to distinguish the slight light of life in his eyes forever and ever ....the whole day ....every single day ...he was forced to practice....shooting ,boxing ,fighting ....with boys already trained the end of the day ....the fat woman with a big ass mole on her nose with a single long hair peeping from inside used to come and give them food ....the junior boys getting only a piece of single bread and a boiled egg after a day that felt like living hell .....the seniors often snatching his food leaving him to starve through the night and the next day .....he fainted ....again and again until he no longer had the tendency to faint ...soon making his way to one of the best trained boys there ,he won the tournament.....the final tournament that qualifies one boy to finally enter the mafia. His only motivation.....Layla made him do things he never thought he would .....Andrew at a distance judging the tournament smiled when Taehyung knocked the other boy and blood started flowing like a fountain from his nose. While panting wearing a vest torn at various points exposing his built torso with wounds and scars all over ,standing under the hanging lights looking at the half dead boy .....half dead boy because of him ....he zoned out and looked at his hands drenched in blood ....the crowd around him hooting and screaming ....chearing him for almost killing a boy ....Andrew with a proud smirk approached him from behind and held him by shoulders startling his existence.

Proudly holding him by his shoulders ,Andrew looked into his eyes and said.

" I knew the moment I laid my eyes on you .....that you would become a living weapon. "

He laughed in evil manner but then the laugh disappeared as he peeped in Taehyung's eyes.

" What's this ?.....there is still traces of life in your eyes .....mhm !! But don't worry I'll add the final are now qualified to enter my world ....just one last thing .."

His next words ......were enough to send Taehyung to another world ...

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