part 50

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Olivia :" JHOPE !!"

Everyone skipped a beat as no one knew what was happening except for suga ,Jin and Olivia,those were watching on the screen. 

Taehyung:" Jimin ! Bring him with you !'

Jimin went down the tunnel and saw jhope. He was standing there with a deep cut in his arm. Blood dripping down his arms into his shirt. His face clearly showed that he was in pain. Jimin jumped down pulled him up and then cleaned the blade. There was a sharp blade in the way. Jhope had tripped and the blade sliced across his arm,giving him  a deep cut.

Taehyung and Anna had reached the van.

Taehyung:" is everything alright ? Over !"

Jimin:" yes ! Umm he got hurt but he is fine !"

Melissa and others took a deep breath of peace. Olivia's muffled scream panicked all of them. Worst case scenarios were crossing their minds and they were holding their breaths. Their minds were in denial. Jhope had heard Olivia's muffled scream through the ear piece and even though he was hurt ,he became surprised for a moment. Was she caring for him now ? 

All of them sat in the vans and left for the pent house. Melissa was sitting across taehyung,examining his facial expressions. Trying to figure out what he saw in the file. Feeling a little guilty and blaming herself for jhope's injury. Taehyung was looking out of the window avoiding eye contact with Melissa.  Why was he avoiding her eye contact. It was irresistible for him. His loved one was looking towards him and he was looking away. What was happening? Finally he looked towards her. She was still staring him.  They had an intense eye contact moment. Then he looked away.  Melissa tried her best to conclude something from his expressions. His eyes ? But nothing was concluded. They were wierd ! What kind of emotion was in them ? She couldn't figure out. 

Reaching the pent house,all of them entered the lounge. Jhope was still bleeding. Jimin had dressed his wound in a hurry in the van.  Everyone was focused on what taehyung had to say. Jhope was in pain. No one noticed and he walked out the lounge and went to his room. No one noticed except .......except Olivia.  She questioned herself for noticing him. Feeling guilty for her previous behavior,she followed him to his room.  Without knocking ,she entered the room where he was taking off his shirt.  Surprised to see her there ,he paused for a second then continued taking off his shirt. Ignoring her existence,he started opening his wound. Olivia was a bit taken aback by his behavior! What was this about. He kept hovering around her when she was ignoring him and now when she is here ,he is ignoring her.

For a moment her ego screamed and she took a step backwards but then ,the memory of her throwing his herbal tea in the sink. Her screaming on him and giving him dirty looks flashed across her eyes. Ego and guilt fighting against each other. There was silence in the room. Jhope completely ignoring her was focused on opening the dressing Jimin did while Olivia was standing there. Calm on the outside but on the inside a war was going on. War between her ego and her guilt. And the moment jhope opened his dressing ,her ego disappeared as if it was never there. Her guilt multiplied. Tears started filling her eyes. Almost running towards him,she held his arm by her delicate hands but he jerked her hands. Was he angry ?? She was taken aback by his behavior. She was sitting on the floor in front of him. He was examining her expressions when she looked up with tears in her eyes. And he gave in ,she saw his eyes softening and slightly advanced her hands as if reluctant to hold his arm again. He put his arm in front of her as if allowing her to touch him.  She immediately held his arm ,examined the wound and started dressing it. 

While he was  just lost. Lost in thoughts.  thoughts.....about what was happening. She was sitting besides him now dressing his wound. He had noticed her changing after he shouted at her. When she screamed at him getting hurt today ,he knew she now cared but still he made up his mind. His mind to not forgive her until a few days ,to make her a suffer little. But watching only her tears ,he cursed himself. What kind of lover was he ?? His beloved was crying ,and he was expecting his beloved to apologize? What kind of love was that ? If that is love then I curse on love. He was quietly watching her delicate fingers move across his arm. She had dressed the wound and now still holding his arm ,she was sitting beside him with her head bowed. Avoiding eye contact. He could feel that she was embarrassed. With his other hand ,he delicately held her chin and pushed it upwards so now she was looking in his eyes.  His eyes ,they were soft with love and only love in them. Olivia opened her mouth to probably apologize and he then placed his finger on her lips stopping her from apologizing.

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