part 24

17 3 1

She was supposed to be there within 15 minutes. But she wasn't there. His heartbeat probably crossed 130. But then when he was about to go find her, Anna came there.

Jin eyes became relaxed immediately. He felt as if the soul that was about to leave his body came back.

Immediately advancing towards her ,he said in a hurry

Jin :" where were you? Why are you late "

Anna :" I came back in 17 minutes Jin. It's not even that late. "

Her eyes confused at Jin's restlessness.

Jin :" you are not supposed to be late. Not even one second Anna. It's dangerous. Now we have only ten minutes ok! Go examine the other side too"

He was holding her hands ,looking straight into her eyes ,he whispered loudly.

Jin :" and this time on time. Not even one second late. "

Saying this he almost ran towards the other side. They were running out of time. While Anna stood there and wondered why he was Soo restless.she also ran towards her side.

After 10 minutes' Jin had reached the center where they were supposed to meet. But again Anna was not there.

He stood there and looked at his watch. The clock was ticking. It had been 9 minutes. He still had 1 minute till she returns. His eyes kept moving from his watch to the hallway. He was expecting her to be there in any second. His restlessness increasing with every tick of the second hand. Why was she not there. It was now 10 minutes on watch. He should wait 1 more minute. She'll be here any second.

His train of thoughts was running.

" I just gave her a lecture. She shouldn't be late. Not even a single minute. If anything happens to her Melissa and taehyung would kill me but I would be dead even before that. I would die if something happens to her because I love her. "

His eyes were continuously moving. The second hand moved to one second and his eyes towards the hallway ,the next moment his eyes on his watch. Finally,the watch was showing the 11 minute had passed. Now it was fishy. Something was definitely wrong.

He ran towards the hallway,then decreased his speed. Where was she.? He took a turn and saw her. Her ,the person that now he needed to be with him forever. She was as important as oxygen for his survival. He finally saw her. The rays of relief were hitting his face but those rays were blocked by an eclipse. An eclipse that was in the form of the shadow he saw. The shadow of a person behind her. That was probably going to take a turn and see both of them. He ran towards Anna who was casually walking towards him with a smile on her face. Her smile vanished and she tried to figure out why he was running towards her. He ran and held Anna agressively by hand and pushed himself and her in a room that was not locked. A room full of files. A dark room full of files with a tiny window in it's door. Anna was probably trying to ask why he did that. So he kept his hand on her mouth to shush her. Both of them standing right beside the door. Anna's back touching the cold walls of that room while Jin's one hand on the wall while other on Anna 's mouth. His eyes looking outside through the window on the door.

Anna was confused on his sudden action but figured out why he did that. Her confusion was solved now. ,her brain now focusing on something else. Her eyes shifted towards him. She looked at his existence. His eyes were looking outside. The light coming from outside was specifically shining on his face. His dark brown eyes looked chocolate brown at that moment. It felt as if light was radiating from his face. He was inches away from Anna 's face. She could feel his breath on her face. His hand on her mouth. She felt butterflies. He was handsome ,it was a known fact but he had never looked this much handsome. He looked like a prince charming. Her prince charming. Jin 's eyes relaxed a bit. Probably the danger was over now.

LADY SATANSजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें