part 64

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He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Why was she torturing him ? But it serves him right ! He tortured the poor girl a lot. Why ?

" Why did I torture you Henley ? that I think of it ,it doesn't make sense. I scared you and I took your kindness as flirty behavior. I have been hating girls who try to seduce ......I thought you were acting up to get my attention but then .....I saw the fear in your eyes ,I came near you to see if your fear was genuine. And your tears ,your fear ..was...genuine. I am bad ! And I am evil ! hasn't been offering me sweets since I was born. I have always seen blood ,cries ,screams ,fight and toxicity and that somehow made me toxic too.  ....."

He chuckled sarcastically again.
' to be honest .....I wanted to again go inside my cocoon when I came to know about your genuine fear. But something inside me gave me ecstasy seeing your fear ,,your nervousness was giving me pleasure and I couldn't stop myself from coming near you. And why did I cry ? .......I think I like you......or maybe that dumb word people use " love " "

A sarcastic smile played on his lips as he looked at her unconsciousness existence. This was probably the most he had used words ....the most he had spoken.

" Love ??......I don't know about that but I want to keep scaring you ......I want to keep you for myself .....and I definitely want you to feel nervous around me. My intimacy? I want you to crave for it ......! So stay alive or else I'll never let you live peacefully in heaven either .....remember girl ! If you dare die , I'll break the walls of hell ,beat the satan ,enter the heaven And drag you with me to hell ...are ...mine !"

He closed his eyes on realizing that he has been speaking to himself for half an hour. He never spoke this much.

Whispered the words
" Am I going crazy?"

And what about the guy ...... Leo! Why did I break ...

On her date.
Henley came home with Scarlett and namjoon and rushed to her room. What she didn't notice was suga !...standing right in front of his own room. While she was walking aggressively towards her room with tears in her eyes ,he noticed the glistering tears as well as the red mark around her wrist. The feeling of anger was on peak at that time. The feeling of another man touching her ,hurting her ?....that was something even he didn't allow himself to do ..

Aggressively walking to his room ,he called one of his close friends.

" I am sending you some information.....a cafe ! Get the footage and see who the man is with a girl ...I am sending the picture of the girl too get his whereabouts!"

He was now walking in a narrow alleyway. Stopping by a small bar ,he entered it. The environment inside was no sober. Men and women were in a shameful condition the bar's condition was also no good. It was a very cheap bar.  Walking past all those drunk people ,he reached near a table. The man called Leo ,in a very light drunk state was making out with a girl .....suga rolled his eyes ,picking up a bottle ,he smashed it on the ground grabbing his attention .....cursing him under his breath ,he held Leo by his collars and with a jerk pulled him towards himself. A punch landed on Leo's face breaking another teeth of his.

Leo :" who the fuck are you ?"

He tried to punch suga but he swiftly dodged his punch while again rolling his eyes. And with a click ...he broke his hand. 

" That is what you get for touching what is I'll keep tabs on you and if I catch you hurting another woman , you'll loose your life this time ..... not your hand !"

Leaving him screaming with pain ,he left the bar with the same cold face of his.

Present day

He felt a breath near his neck. He knew who it was. The scent ! He had smelt that multiple times. Without flinching or moving he opened his eyes and then slowly turned his head towards Scarlett who was standing really close to him. Their faces inches away from each other. Her eyes had tears in it and her lips having a sarcastic smile. Suga glared her eyes and she took a step back.

Looking at him with hate and pain ,she spoke.

" So , you love henley ? that why you rejected me !".

He stood up and looked at her as if deciding whether to answer or not. He was again the cold heartless suga she knew. ......he prefered not answering but then realized that would create a crack in hers and Henley's bond. She'll think Henley seduced him or something. 

Walking slowly to the couch ,he sat and signalled her to sit in front of him on the opposite sofa.

Her blood boiled at his audacity but she wanted to confront him.

Scarlett:" was it because she .....did Henley steal you from me the hell is it possible ? ...I refuse to believe she did something like that. She knew about my crush on you .!"

Suga shushed her and started speaking in a determined and clear tone.

" You think I am a man who can be seduced ? any woman ?....."

Rolling his eyes while taking a pause ,he spoke again.

" Nobody can seduce me .... NOBODY! And Henley? She doesn't know about what I am feeling. I have always ....well you don't need to know about this ...but as I told you I am not a good man !!! And Henley ! I want to haunt her not you ! ....that will be all !"

Her eyes filled with tears as she looked at the heartless man. A man she liked for herself......a man who fell for someone who she called her sister.

" I gave you permission to destroy my life .....but you still chose her !"

Suga :" it's beyond my control ....!"

Speaking with the same cold tone ,he stood up glancing at Henley completely ignoring Scarlett ,he left ..

She stood there shocked and broke at his behavior.....throwing herself on the couch ,she looked at Henley ! ...

" Oh Henley! ....I am feeling Soo freaking guilty right now ....should I feel jealous ! ...or mad or sad ..? ..I am Soo confused right now ! I think I should just leave him and move on. !"

Standing up she walked towards her bed ....stopping near her ,she looked at her asleep body. Her closed eyes and almost dead body .....eyes travelling to the ventilator switch ....a side in her woke up ,,a side she wasn't aware existed ....her mind pushing her to turn off the switch .....

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