part 71

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" park Eun woo !"....

Her heart stopped beating. A thousand of possibilities crossing her mind .....why was he at a party for leaders......and underworld leader ?...maybe he was stalking her for her safety but how did a civilian like him ....such pure soul simply got access to such a party .... Taehyung's eyes followed her gaze and noticed Eun woo.......she knew him ?.... But it was definitely not good ...

Picking her up bridal style .....he hid her face and walked swiftly ignoring every eye that held ....jealousy ....

Making her sit on the front seat ,he ignited the car and looked at her while driving ....she ....who was done with her life that moment ....Soo many emotions ....she couldn't process ....she now had a rival ?...or maybe not ?..what was Layla doing there ?...what was Eun woo doing there ?....adien Romeo is snakes eyes which means they again have a lead  towards her family ...the family they all considered dead ....there were now chances of them being found !!...but Eun woo ?

She was staring ahead on the road while Taehyung with worry in his eyes glanced at her again and again.

Taehyung:" Melissa ?....are you okay ? How do you know Eun wo ?'

Melissa at his question again looked at him with shock ..he knew Eun woo ?

Melissa :" who is Eun woo taehyung?"

Who is Eun woo ? She sarcastically chuckled after asking him this question this was it ?..,this is how much life is unpredictable...she was asking who is he ?....she was asking about a man she had known since.... since her teenage ....for years ....and now within moments .....the man ...he was a stranger for her.

Taehyung was quiet for a while but then he spoke.

" Park Eun woo .....he is ...he is snakes eyes brother ...younger brother .....!..they don't meet much and he is not in the mafia but he sometimes attends these parties with Adien Romeo....only sometimes ...they don't live with each other and that's all I know about him..."

And she felt like her heart stopped again. Time stopped for a moment ! His brother?....the man she had been hating for what seems like years ...he is Eun woo's brother. Wait !...did Eun woo inform about their families to his brother and maybe .....this all happened because of Eun woo.

Melissa :" Eun woo.....was my best friend ....the boy I had been going out with ....the boy I had known for years .....!"

He pushed the brakes out of sudden shock ....and Parked the car on the roadside ....

Processing what he just heard ...Eun woo had known Melissa for years ...and his brother had abducted all of their families ?...was it all just a coincidence. It can't be ....

Melissa :' Taehyung!...take me to him.  Take me to Eun woo. I want to hold him by his collars and I want to beat him. I want to comfort him for what he did ....he dare he ?'

Taehyung held her hand and squeezing it slightly she said ...

" Melissa ... first tell me ..does he know that you are the dark queen ?...does he ?...if he knows that then ....there are high chances that Adien Romeo is also aware of you...and then it might be really difficult for us to get your family back ...!"

Taking a deep breath ,she thought about his behavior. Eun woo....when he comforted her ....when she cried in his lap....when he wiped her tears. What kind..of hypocrite was he ?..wiping the tears ...caused by his own existence?

Melissa :" what do you think happened taehyung?"

Taehyung:" I think ....Eun woo might have provided information about your family get together....and Adien taking this as a chance for abducting a large number of people....might have done this .....Eun woo ,he isn't too aware of what his brother does in the underworld and prefers living in the outer brighter world ... alone!'

Melissa :" could it be possible ...that he might not know about all of this !"

Taehyung just nodded his head.

Melissa :" but ....he didn't help me ?....he knew a mafia group had abducted my family....and given the fact that his own brother is such a powerful underworld boss,he could have easily found about my family but he didn't....."

Taehyung:' for now .... let's focus on Adien Romeo....snakes eyes ....we found him. Now all we need is access to his house ....that damn monster is a psychopath...he holds his victims in a huge cage room underneath his own mansion...."

They reach the penthouse ....entering the lounge where love was in the air ....Lucy rolled her eyes again and said. ..

" Our lead couple is here ...."

Melissa :" we found the snakes eyes !!"

And that abrupt announcement led to pin drop silence. Everyone stopped at their places and just stared both of them. 

Lucy was the first one to come back to her senses. Standing up with her eyes Soo wide open it felt like her eyeball would fall out ,she slightly shouted ....

Lucy :" you WHAT?"

Melissa :" we found him ...the snakes eyes by chance. He is not aware of who we are .....!'

Jimin with his eyes wide open looked at Taehyung for confirmation who just nodded with his eyes to confirm.

Jimin :" who is he ?"

Taehyung clearing his throat said ...

" Adien Romeo !"..

And all boys ,shocked to the core ....just looked at taehyung with eyes wide open ...

Jhope :" are you kidding ?...we are up against Adien ?"

Namjoon nervously chuckling .
" Stop guys .....we are seven against Adien ..."

Taking a huge breath to calm themselves ....they got lost in worry. It was not that they were afraid of Adien. The only problem was that ....he was a psychopath....a monster who could harm anyone for anything in the most brutal manner. The girls just looked at their partner in confusion until Melissa bombed them with another information.

With tears floating in her eyes ,she spoke while looking at the sofa.

" Eun his brother !"

And it was the time for them to be shocked to the core .....everyone unable to even speak ...just gulped ...the whole storyline changing was a big shock ...

Feeling a little guilty as because of her best friend ....all families were gone ....she walked to the rooftop ...standing there ,staring the empty air ,she felt his warm hand around her shoulder.

Taehyung:" don't feel guilty Mal ! didn't know about his reality ...did you ? Let's focus on how to get your families back and how to beat his ass !"

She smiled at him ,feeling light did he know what she was thinking ....that's how love is ....communication without words !

" Taehyung....I knew a little about Layla ...namjoon had told me about her just a little...he said she was your healer ...when you were left alone ....she came like an angel and healed you. You became a couple ...but then one day she was abducted .....and that's when you lost your will to live ....when you again lost someone you loved ...I thought she was dead ?"

Taehyung chuckled at her thinking ....
" You ever wonder how I ended up in mafia ?....let me tell you "

Past ......

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