part 43

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The sight that held extreme terror and emotion in it. Henley was too stunned to speak. There was only suga there not Scarlett but she was deeply regretting not knocking on the door before entering because in front of her was standing suga completely shirtless. But what was the thing that held terror in it ? The massive scars all over his body. Except for his hands and lower forearms she could see deep scars all over his exposed skin. Suga looked at her shocked face with bothered expressions but before she could leave ,he advanced ,held her strongly by her arm and pulled her inside ,abruptly closing the door behind her. Henley bumped into his shirtless chest but then he pinned her to the door. It only took 15 seconds to happen. She was in utter shock. Suga kept his one hand on her mouth and the other on the door beside her. With shocked eyes ,she looked into Suga's eyes. His eyes held the coldness of north pole. He then removed his hand from her lips,still pinning her to the door. 

:" listen girl ! I won't harm you unless you don't say a single word to anyone about what you saw here. Not even a single word woman ! Understood ?"

Henley with shiny tear drops, too afraid to escape her eyes ,was still looking at him in shock. He was the only one who gave her negative vibes. She came here to save Scarlett from him but guess what she was in danger now. What the hell did Scarlett even see in him ? Lost in her thoughts she forgot to answer him while he was closely examining her facial expressions. She was jerked into reality by his sudden sharp exhale that she felt on her neck ,sending shivers down her spine, she looked into his eyes again.

He snapped in front of her and making an annoyed face again asked In a threatening dominant voice.

:" understood ?"

Henley's body shook as she nodded her head, still staring at the many scars that covered suga. As he turned to put on his shirt, she continued to watch him closely, following every movement he made. When he turned back to face her, she could no longer contain herself, and she glanced anxiously at his scars again, her eyes filled with fear.

:" are you planning on standing there until the world ends ?"

At this she felt embarrassed and left ,still shaking from fear. He didn't have to be this scary ,did he ?  She decides to not bother the devil and go to bed. He really didn't have to scare her like that. Henley was a girl who was very good at keeping secrets. She didn't have the urge to to tell girls or anyone about others life. But now she would not even think about mentioning his scars in front of a single soul. 

It was almost 5 am in the morning when someone entered Lucy's bedroom. Sneaking past her ,the shadow towered over her from behind. She felt something creeping over her in sleep. Opening her eyes a little ,she was almost about to scream when Jungkook whispered.

:" Lucy !"

Lucy :" damn it ! Jungkook are you crazy. Why are you here ! Billie is sleeping on the other bed she might think something wrong. Don't you have freaking manners ?".

Jungkook made an annoyed face ,why  was she like that. Assuming things on her own? 

Jungkook:" what kind of torturer are you. No ! You know what ! What are you even doing in this underworld. You have such deep sleep ! Can't you listen the screams of that Anastasia?"

Lucy's anger was replaced with confusion as she became quiet trying to focus on the screams. After about a few seconds she heard a very very muffled scream.

Her eyes widening with amazement.

:" that shit woke you up ?"
Jungkook looked at her with a face that screamed " seriously!"

Both of them were now in the torture room. Lucy had removed the bucket of water. But Anastasia could still feel the water drop falling on the same spot of her head. She was bawling her eyes out. 

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