part 91

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As time flew by his side adding the sweetness bit by bit ....converting his bitter dark world into a place he wanted to spend more and more time ...his feelings for Melissa grew with every tick of the clock .....but did he confess?.....he didn't....the fear of Adien appearing in his life ....the fear of her finding about him not revealing the bad deeds of Adien to the world .....the fear of Adien snatching Melissa away from him .... somewhere in his heart still existed .....until one day he decided to do what his heart had told him to do ......

Buying the beautiful silver engagement ring with a single black stone that sometimes reflected light in a way to imitate Melissa's eyes .....he smiled ....and along with his lips ,his eyes had also smiled.....he was finally going to propose the sea side .....

Swiping the card he smiled at the cashier ....leaving the swinging door behind him ,he exited the jewelery shop ,taking out his mobile phone ...he texted the love of his life ..

Eun woo:" Melissa ! me by the sea side's urgent !"

Placing the phone back in his pocket ,he took a deep breath slightly throwing back his head and closing his eyes if he was in a fairy tale ...the sun rays shone on his face as he now stood in front of the sea .....the cold waves flowing between his feet ...the golden hour and the beautiful moment about to begin was everything he was thinking about ...until .....he saw Melissa slowly walking by the sea side opposite to him .....her beautiful brown hair fluttered in the wind as she focused on the waves colliding with her feet didn't notice Eun woo who fell in love with her again ....a huge smile embracing his existence...but the smile if the universe loathed his smile ....a familiar hand grabbed his shoulder ....taking away his smile forever ....the smell of the perfume collided with his nose sending shivers down his spine .....HE WAS BACK !!!

After seven years of peace and happiness ....he was there at the  happiest moment of his life ....but all he cared about was the beautiful girl walking towards him unaware of his or Adien's prescence there .....turning with panic he looked at Adien ...who had changed a lot in his appearance...except for the same cold blue eyes that again sent goosebumps all over his body ......with eyes open wide he stared at his brother who smirked. ......

Adien :" how have you been ? little brother !"

Applying more pressure on Eun woo 's shoulder he smirked even more widely .... surprisingly Eun woo was not afraid ....he was not afraid of his brother taking out his eyes as a punishment for escaping him ...all these years he had imagined this scenario thousands of times and each time his heart had trembled for his existence being tore apart by the hands of his brother .. ...but now that the actual moment had arrived ....he was caring not for himself....but for Melissa ...what if he sees her and takes her with him .....

Forcing a smile he said in a rather careful tone .
Eun woo :" hi !...hear me out somewhere else !"

Adien :" somewhere else ?...why not here ?"
Curious voice collided with his ears as he now practically dragged Adien out of the place ....they now sat in a cafe nearby ....silence between those as Eun woo vibrated his leg continuesly ....his eyes glancing outside still worried for Melissa .....Adien on the other hand sat there calm ...examining the body language of his scared brother ,he smirked .....

Eun woo took out his phone and texted Melissa

Eun woo :" sorry !... something urgent came up !"

Adien snake's eyes scanning his existence as if trying to solve the riddles of his life .....

As the coffee was served ...Adien finally cleared his throat .....

" So how have you been ?"

Eun woo still scared became just like a restless spring ....his eyes not being able to focus on a single thing ....

Eun woo :" I have been well and happy ! couldn't find me for the last seven years ?"

Adien chuckled darkly after hearing those words ....chuckling to the point tears left his eyes and the customers in the cafe all were now focused on his dark existence...

Adien :" oh ! brother ?...are you still stupid or unaware of the power of your brother ? really think that I was not able to find you for the past years ?......."

Eun woo's eyes expanded as he with confusion stared at his brother ...

Adien :" you chose a city near to London ....what I thought was that you would have gone somewhere far!...but that delayed this hide and seek game for only a short span of time !"

Eun woo :" short span ?"

Adien again chuckled darkly ...

Adien :" I would have found you the same day you ran away ....but because of the smart choice my baby brother made...I found you exactly five days later !"

Eun woo's eyes expanded a little ...he knew where Eun woo was all this time and yet he never came to take him back ....then why was he there after seven years ..

Eun woo :" then ....then why did you ?"

Before he could finish his question Adien exclaimed ...

Adien :" well I wanted you to live a life you wanted at that time ...and to be honest !....I was busy in making my own kingdom that time .. I didn't have any time to train you ...but now you see !....I am the boss of the business has expanded into a kingdom...and now I need a second in command right hand . .....and who can it be besides you ?"

Terror again shone on his eyes as he clenched the ring case in his pocket ...he was really there to take him back to the dark world ...he wanted to make him into a bad person he was .....mustering up the courage he finally spoke In an emotional shivering voice ...

Eun woo :" I think you don't understand big brother.....let me be clear ...I have no interest in what you do.....infact what you do in disgusting and inhuman...but I have no connections to your life ...I haven't told anything about what you do in the past seven years ...I won't tell anyone about it in the future also ....but I also can not become a part of what you do ....I just can not ?..I don't need filthy money ....I earn enough to make my ends meet and that is enough for me ...I want to live like a normal person ....please ?"

With tears almost floating in his eyes. ...he spoke for the first time in his life .....

The smirk on Adien's face left like it had never existed.....the mischievous eyes now turned into complete cold marbles as he glared back at Eun woo clenching both his fists and jaw ...

Adien :" I did not ask you brother ! was an order and I will drag you back there .....!"

Eun woo wanted to disappear...this was not right .. he had not came this far to be again dragged into the same hellhole he had escaped ....

Adien :" I deal with trafficking ...human and drugs ....guns and work on my eyes collection too ...!"

Eun will stared at his brother who talked about such satanism in such a casual manner if he was not talking about lives but vegetables or fruits ....

Eun woo :' how do you deal with human trafficking?"

Excitement travelling through Adien's body on hearing those words coming from Eun woo's mouth he wasn't completely not interested in his business....with excitement Adien came a bit closer ...the smirk again dancing on his lips as he spoke .

Adien :" I kidnap people from different places ... All sort of people ! ,toddlers ,women ,virgin ,married ,old people ...and use them for trafficking....mainly organ trafficking!"

eunwoo's mouth sligtly parted at the gruesome ruthless business his own brother was doing ....trafficking ?.well what else could he possibly expect from adien ...and then something idea ....hit his mind an idea enough to send shivers down his own body ....

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