part 39

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Saying this he took serious steps towards the living room. Without seeing if Billie was coming after her or not,he continued taking serious steps. Billie saw his broad back and her feet  automatically starter to move. Following him ,she reached the living room where taehyung was standing at the shelf of open kitchen counter. Pouring water in a glass, he didn't even glance at Billie. Billie felt a little scared and nervous not knowing what was coming next.

After calmly pouring water in the glass ,he placed back the bottle in the refrigerator,still not looking at Billie. It was complete silence in the room. The sounds of water pouring , bottle cap closing ,opening of fridge were echoing making the already creepy situation a little more creepy. He then took a sip of the water and finally looked at Billie with all seriousness in his eyes. Looking at her face , maintaining deep eye contact,he finally said the words.

" Are you serious about Jimin?"

And Billie immediately was relaxed. So this was what it was all about. Jimin  ?  She was scared for no reason at all. And at that moment she realized how pure and soft taehyung actually was !  There was a kid's heart behind that serious face of his. And how much he cared for the people close to him. She was thinking all this and she totally forgot to answer his question. Taehyung was examining her face ,with confusion trying to figure out what was going in her mind. Thinking that she didn't like the words he said or maybe the way he interrogated,he was now trying to explain why he said those words.

" Billie please don't mind my words. ! I have a reason to do this. I know Jimin is flirt. But believe me he hasn't taken that flirting side of his too far. He might seem like a playboy but he has a really pure heart. He gets attatched to things and people too early and too much. I heard you made the first move on him. But he now loves you truly and he is committed in this relationship. So ........I just want to know if you really do love him. If are serious about him ?"

Billie was deeply moved by his words about his care. How did that person even end up in a dark place like this. How were Soo many people afraid of him?. If only did they know how pure he was. !! Pulling herself out of her thoughts she cleared her throat and started explaining.

" No taehyung! I don't mind. I don't mind at all. I truly love Jimin. I have never been in a relationship never in my life. I hated men. My idea of men was very......umm... but after seeing Jimin I just couldn't control myself. It was a love at first sight. His eyes ,his smile ,his mischiefs ,his ideas. I am in love taehyung...I really do love him. I love him Soo much,I can destroy the entire universe for him. Don't worry. I won't ever leave him and he is not allowed to leave me either. I hope you understand!!"

By the time she had stopped talking , taehyung's concerned eyes were now changed into thankful eyes. Knowing that she had said the truth ,he was now feeling much light headed. He hadn't heard Jimin saying anything about loving Billie or even talking about her. But he saw that Jimin was serious about Billie. He had only seen them flirting In the hallways or kitchen. Unlike Anna and Jin ,they were not talking about their relationship. Jin and Anna both were excited about their relationship,they were going on dates and they couldn't stop talking about how much they loved each other and how they were going to marry each other. On the other hand Jimin and Billie were not talking about love or marriage or even their realtionship. So he just wanted to confirm if Billie was just flirting or was she as serious as Jimin was about her. He couldn't allow anyone to hurt Jimin.

Taehyung:" thank you Billie ! I am happy for you both then. !"

Billie had never spoken that much but she did that to explain her love.

Billie :" may I ask you something if you won't mind ?"

Taehyung just looked at her and gave her permission with his eyes. It was so mysterious how he talked with his eyes. He used minimum amount of words in his routine and sometimes he would just talk with his eyes ,not even using words or voice.

Billie reluctantly asked :" do you really love Melissa ?"

Taehyung eyes expanded a little as if he wasn't expecting this question from Billie. 

Taehyung;" what do you think ?"

And Billie was quiet. She could never dominate him, could she ?  She just nodded her head and left the living room.

In the hallway she saw Jimin coming towards her with a  smile. At that time she realized how much she loved him.  This feminine side of hers woke up that instant. And took a huge stretch ,waking up after Soo many years. Her heart that was nothing else but a dark and deep ocean. With only silence in it. But now seeing him smile at her ,the ocean was getting filled with colourful and beautiful mystical creatures. Mermaids and colourful fish. There was no longer silence in there. There was no longer darkness in there. It was more colourful than the colours of this whole universe.

Jimin approached her while she was lost in her thoughts,the time flying slow and she was seeing emerging light rays and butterflies around Jimin.

Jimin :" my queen ! Are you okay ? "

Billie broke her trance and put on a smile on her face. Not realizing it was the first time she was smiling in there relationship.

Jimin :" wow you can smile too ,my queen ? If I could I would stop this time here and forever!"

Billie:" Jimin did you do what taehyung asked you to ? "

Jimin :" oh of course ! I told Anna and jhope that they have to kidnap those three targets! But we are free until then should we go out on a date ?"

Billie :" ofcource!! My king !"

Jimin's eyes expanded upon hearing her words. Did she just call him " his king ". A slight smile appeared on his lips.

" so ! My queen ! Where should we go on a date ?"

Billie :" you want me to decide ?"

Jimin looked right into her eyes and gently took hold of her hand. Then said in slow smooth voice having the determination of his whole existence.

" you are in charge of my whole existence,my queen !! You are the one to decide everything about me and my life ! Even you are the one to decide whether I should breathe or not ! Command me my queen and I'll finish myself for you here and now !"

Billie's eyes expanded with surprise and then a slight pink blush appeared on her pale cheeks and she lowered her eyes spontaneously, with shyness.

Jimin left her hand and took two steps back and then with extreme wonder he said in a high and exited voice

" did you just blush ?  He held his head with his hands in extreme surprise. " all this time I had been trying to make you blush by intimacy and my words made you blush?  Whooa!!"

Billie :" what do you want to do for a date !!"

He was starting to think something when jhope passed by him not in a very good mood. Stopped right beside them. Both of them were now looking at jhope.

:" forget about the date ! You two are coming with me and Anna !"

Jimin:" why ?"

Jhope :" for kidnapping!!"

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