Part 82

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As the four of them turned their heads towards the door .....everyone was first shocked at Layla's sudden appearance ....why was she there at that time ?....but the two of them ...the two of the bodies having a single soul over there froze as her evil plan was only supposed to be recognized by the soul divided by two bodies ...while Lucy and Scarlett with fear looked at Melissa and Taehyung debating what would Layla now think?.....she would probably figure out why he was standing besides Melissa .....she would recognize his love for her because even though he was trying his best to act like he hated Melissa or atleast was ignoring her ...he couldn't was not something his mind or body could control was not possible for Taehyung to be mad at Melissa was not possible for him to look at her with hate even if it was just an act that is why they had decided not to come in front of each other in front of Layla ...but her reason for sudden appearance was something evil ....the evil side of her brain and the ecstasy it held for pulling out Melissa's soul completely masked the sense of thinking or analyzing the situation ...she didn't even notice the air of the room or Taehyung's prescence ...... Melissa's breath stopped as if someone stopped her from taking another breath could she ever breath again could she ? Taehyung's eyes expanded on seeing the sight ahead of him ....

Layla stood there wearing his white shirt ....bottomless she stood there resting her body against the door frame with her arms crossed and burnt blonde hair swinging the evil in her turned her eyes even darker .....the smirk deepened on seeing Melissa's pale face could Melissa tolerate this?.....another woman ....wearing his clothes ...another woman wearing such short clothes in front of him staying in the same room as him ...they were a couple but she had never wore his clothes ....she wanted to be the first to wear his clothes could she tolerate all this .....containing her tears ..she finally took a breath ...but Taehyung ..

He stood there staring her soul in coldness that had never been witnessed in his existence before that had Layla the courage to do something like this? was all too much but the thing that crossed the limit for him was the kind of shirt she was wearing .....the shirt that he himself had sworn to never put on his existence ever again .....the shirt that held the smell of Melissa ...the shirt that held her tears ...the shirt that was for the very first time hugged by her existence .....his trophy!!!....the proof that she trusted him could that bitch wear it and mix her darkness into the light of Melissa's absorbed tears .....his nerves bulged out as he clenched his fists to the point he compressed his own blood supply ......his neck and body stretched as he took a deep breath ....swearing if he sees a single tear escaping Melissa's eyes right now ...he would end Layla's existence at that exact moment ......turning his head he glanced at Melissa sitting on the bed ...thank God there was no tear that escaped her eyes .....making sure she didn't cry ..he rushed towards Layla aggressively pulling her by her arm to his room as he slammed the door behind him almost throwing Layla on the floor while she shocked at his reaction stared in the air .....while he panted heavily while walking aggressively .....roaring at her face 

:"TAKE .....THAT ....OFF ....RIGHT NOW!!!"

She wanted to argue ... wanted to make him explain but the rage in his eyes scared her to the point she submitted without arguing .....changing the shirt ...she slowly walked towards him ..who was still  panting from anger ...

Layla:"why ...... I always wore your hoodies and shirts Taehyung when we were together 6 years ago !"

He knew he had to show her a bit of affection in order for her to give him Adien's real password but that shirt meant the most after Melissa ......taking a deep breath composing his breaths and heart beats ,he spoke finally while looking at her ...

:"look Layla !....six years !..... that's a big gap .. a lot changed Layla .. I ....."

His voice trembled while lying ....more like while saying something like that to another girl besides Melissa 

:"Layla !.....a lot has changed Layla .... I need some time to catch up ... I ...."

his voice trembled again ....could h say those three words ?... I love you?...he couldn't matter what happens even if the world ends he couldn't say those three words to anyone besides Melissa and now that his mind recalled the old times ,he noticed how these three words had never escaped through his mouth for anyone at all ....not even when he was dating Layla .... 

:"Layla !... I .... I finally realized that you hold a special place in my heart and no one can take that space one but give me some time to process ...some time to remove this distance of six years that came in between us ....and that shirt !....even I don't wear it because it means so much for me .. I don't even touch that shirt without washing my hands and you wore it went through my wardrobe without my permission and wore something so precious for me ?.....and besides now ..times have changed and now I don't like girlfriends wearing their partners clothes.. I find it clingy and cringe give me some time ....things have changed now doesn't mean that I want you to stay away from me .. I just want some time Layla !"

Astonished at his words ..she stood with her lips parted and eyes wide open ..a shirt?...meant that much for him ?..what was so special about that shirt ?...composing herself ,she spoke in a seductive voice ...

:"baby?.... let's sleep !... I have been dreaming of this day for quite some time now ?"

At her sudden offer ,he looked at her with eyes that were still cold ...silence hovered around both of them as Taehyung stood with hands in his pocket a few meters away from her existence ...if she had some sense ,she would have noticed his eyes .....the eyes that were soft only for Melissa ...the eyes that carried so much love for her that just by observing his honey pool eyes was possible for anyone  to figure out that he  almost worshiped Melissa ....was something there for Layla ?...the way he looked at her at the moment ?...did he even hold any  kind of emotion for her ?...his eyes were neither cold nor warm ..they held neither love nor hate for her ....nodding his head he spoke in a tone devoid of any emotion at all ..

:"mhm sleep ..have rest . I have something to do right now!"

The light on her face suddenly diminished as she nodded her head...while laying on his bed ...turning off the light he left the room ,slowly walking towards his now favorite spot ...the rooftop!...the moon ..and its ability to lightly brighten up the night could he sleep in the same room as her? much this fact would be hurting Melissa ?....

"Let this end God ! girl is in pain because of something related to me ... I can't make her feel that pain any more ...cause that pain is multiplying as it attacks my heart .."

Standing beneath the moon as its light sparkled in his eyes .....the breeze touching his face as it fluttered his hair ..... his emotionless eyes turning soft as he thought about Melissa ....

as the door behind him closed with a bang...

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