part 4

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Melissa was choking, and the other man was holding her tightly. She couldn't escape, and she knew that she had to do something drastic to get out of his grasp. Scarlett, Henley, and Lucy were fighting the other men, and she knew that they wouldn't be able to help her. The only way to escape was to kill him, and she had a knife in her hand. She could easily stab him, but she had never stabbed anyone before, and she was still soft-hearted. She didn't have the courage to kill a human being.

Henley saw Melissa choking and ran to help her, but she was kicked in the leg by another man and fell. She was now fighting with the person who punched her, but she was struggling to keep up. She knew that she had to help Melissa, but she was having a hard time fighting off the man who had kicked her. She tried to punch him, but he dodged her blows. Despite her best efforts, she was unable to subdue him, and he managed to land several blows on her. She was getting tired, and she knew that she needed to think of a new strategy if she was going to win this fight.

Melissa was out of breath, but she mustered up the courage and stabbed the man. Blood came out of his mouth, and drops fell on Melissa's face. Despite the fear, she kept stabbing him, but his grip remained tight. She could feel the man's fingers digging into her flesh, and she knew that she had to keep going if she was going to survive. She stabbed him again and again until he loosened his grip and fell to the side. Melissa was not blinking, and she continuously stared at his lifeless body. Henley witnessed everything and immediately advanced to help Melissa up.

Henley:" are you okay Mal !"

Melissa was still staring at the blood on her hands and the man's body drenched with blood. She was in shock and couldn't believe what had just happened. Henley tried to console her and asked her to come with her. She knew that they had to leave the scene of the fight and get some help.

Melissa:" Henley check if he is alive !"

Henley saw how she stabbed him. He bled too much and was probably dead

Henley:" let's not make this deal today and go home !"

Melissa : ( shouted at the top of her lungs) " I said check........check ...if he is dead "

Henley knew he was dead but checked anyways. She knew Mal was not herself right now

Henley :" yes he is dead "

Melissa went quiet and her eyes immediately went blank

Henley :" let's just go home "

The journey was silent, and no one spoke a single word. Everyone was in a deep thought, trying to process what had just happened. They entered the main hall, and Anna and Olivia were watching TV while Billie was on her phone.

Olivia:" Soo did you make the deal. Was it successful"
She asked excited but saw everyone faces and was confused

Melissa didn't say a word and went upstairs closed the door.

Anna " what happened to Mal. Why are you Soo quite. Is everything okay. "

Henley :" Mal killed a man. We were attacked and she had to kill him "

Anna :" oh !!"

Billie" what's the big deal about that. Remember we are the mafia gang now. We will have to kill a lot of people. Bad people "

Henley " Billie you sure are the assassin but I will ask you this question after you kill your first target "

The girls were quite famous because of the fact that they were strong girls who had beaten a few gangs in fights. They had never killed anyone before, and they were not expecting that Melissa would be the first one to kill. Henley knew that Melissa would cry the whole night, but she wanted her to cry as much as she wanted. Crying makes your heart light. She would talk to her later and help her through this difficult time.

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