part 49

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" okay so the plan ......."

Everyone was concentrated. Trying to figure out what he was going to say. 

Taehyung:' the plan is simple. Three people would go inside.  I ,suga and Jimin !"

Jhope :" sorry to interrupt boss but shouldn't I also come with you. "

Jin :" I think I should come with you but that is not possible I have to control the cameras. I know the inside of the store house. The ways and doors, I know them all !"

Anna came forward and even though Jin gave him warning with his eyes ,she ignored him completely.

Anna:" taehyung! I also know all the ways ! I think I should come with you !"

Taehyung looked reluctant. Obviously it was dangerous and he didn't want any of the girls even  getting a slightest bruise.  Melissa looked at his eyes and understood his worries.

Melissa :" it's okay taehyung. You will be by her side ,she will be fine. I want you to take her with you !"

Taehyung looked at Melissa for a while as if in his mind he was calculating all the worst and best possibilities. She was right. Anna knew the paths ,escape paths. She had gone there with Jin. Jin couldn't come with him and he needed escape routes for emergencies.  After pondering over facts and figures he finally agreed.

Taehyung:" fine !  Me ,Anna ,jhope and Jimin. We'll enter the store house. Jin and Olivia would hack the cameras.  We will have only 30 minutes and in those thirty minutes we have to enter the file room. The file room has that one file. Remember!! We'll have 30 minutes to find that file.  The files are arranged in the order of dates. The date is 18 October.  We'll get the file and come out. Simple. All of you will be on standby in a van near the museum. ............ DON'T COME INSIDE UNLESS I SAY SO !.... remember don't!! even if any of us is in danger. Unless I say so ,none of you would move even a single finger. That's my command !"

And everyone nodded their heads. Except for Jin,he was not okay with sending Anna to such a dangerous place.  Accepting his fate,they sat in the van and left for their destination. That freaking museum.

Taehyung:" are the ear pieces working ?"

All together:" yes "

Taehyung:" remember one more thing ! Our mission should be secret ! Try your best to stay hidden,we don't want others to know what we are doing. This is going against the entire underworld so stay hidden. !"

They stopped their two vans near the museum. Taehyung,Anna ,Jimin and jhope got off the vans.  One van had entire setup of computers and gadgets. Jin and Olivia immediately started moving their fingers on the keyboards. Their eyes swiftly travelling between the screens and the keyboards. Others were just sitting around ,focused entirely on the voices coming from their ear pieces. 

Jin :" your time starts now boss !"

Taehyung and others were on standby near the museum waiting for the signal from Jin and Olivia.

Taehyung:" okay !move in "

They entered from a secret tunnel behind the museum walls. A tunnel discovered by Anna.  Crawling in and entering the hallway already took 10 minutes. 

Taehyung:" we have 20 minutes !"

Anna knew the paths to the file room so they immediately started moving towards the file room.  And at that moment taehyung thanked her prescence. It would have taken them quite some time to find the file room if she was not with them. Taehyung was leading all of them. Anna was in the middle while jhope and Jimin were guarding their backs. Taehyung was anxious. What if Anna gets hurt ? He won't ever forgive himself but he should focus now.  Reaching the file room they entered the code.

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