Shirou, too, felt a sinking sensation in his heart as his eyes locked onto the ominous meteors.

Crimson, wielding the formidable Marble Phantasm, had transformed into a force of nature itself. Even without fully unleashing the might of the Moon, his power surpassed human comprehension, rendering him unmatched in his destructive potential.

"Become the cornerstone of the new world order," proclaimed Crimson Moon, casually flicking his finger, causing the multitude of meteors to plummet towards the earth, leaving behind majestic trails of stardust.

"Does he not hold any regard for the survival of Ravenna?" Gawain exclaimed, his horror evident in his voice.

"He is not human, so why would he care?" Shirou dismounted from his horse with urgency, landing in front of the Tower of Light. He raised his voice, "Everyone, except for Artoria, unite and stand against this catastrophic threat!"

"Yes!" came the resolute response.

Meteorites pelted down from the sky, unleashing a relentless barrage.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!"

The earth trembled under the mighty onslaught. Enormous craters marred the once green landscape, appearing one after another. Whales and humans alike were crushed mercilessly, their lives snuffed out by the unforgiving catastrophe.

Crimson Moon remained indifferent, showing no concern for the devastation wrought. And still, the meteorites continued to rain down, unabated.

In response to the dire situation, Shirou triggered the Tower of Light.

The radiant sea of boundless light metamorphosed into dazzling whips, violently striking the oncoming meteorites, demolishing them one by one.

The shattered remnants of rock descended like a torrential downpour, but Gawain, Lancelot, and the Knights of the Round Table swiftly reacted. They unleashed the full might of their Holy Swords, fashioning them into powerful light cannons to obliterate the smaller fragments of rock.

Meanwhile, Merlin and other skilled magi initiated large-scale ritual magecraft, weaving intricate spells to manifest colossal True Ether Cannons. These awe-inspiring cannons bombarded the relentless onslaught of meteorites.

Yet, despite their valiant efforts, the sheer number of meteorites proved overwhelming. Especially the smaller fragments that continued to rain down after the larger ones were shattered, mercilessly striking the ground and causing people to stumble and perish.

In a resolute tone, Shirou bellowed, "First Legion, heed my command! Hurl Gae Bolg at the incoming smaller meteorites!"

With unwavering obedience, the six thousand soldiers of the First Legion obeyed their King's directive. As the small meteorites descended upon them, they activated their Mana Burst, infusing their strength, and launched their spears at the celestial onslaught.

In a breathtaking display, Gae Bolg rained down like a tempest, surging towards the meteorites. Shirou, still manipulating the Tower of Light, closely observed the trajectory of the spears as they closed in on their targets. Then, with a sudden exertion of his will, he commanded the spears to explode in a powerful detonation.

Broken Phantasm!

"Boom, boom, boom, boom-"

The sky transformed into a chaotic battlefield, as artillery fire painted the sky, utterly obliterating the onslaught of small meteorites looming overhead.

The Hun army, faced with the relentless barrage, gradually began to retreat, while Attila herself brandished the Divine Construct, the Sword of Mars. This majestic weapon emitted a rainbow-colored pillar of light, effortlessly cleaving through the meteorites as if they were fragile rainbows.

However, the Huns lacked the formidable Knights of the Round Table, the Tower of Light, and the arsenal of Gae Bolgs and Holy Swords under Shirou's command. As a consequence, colossal meteorites, accompanied by a barrage of smaller ones, continued their descent, resulting in an instantaneous catastrophe and inflicting countless casualties upon the Huns.

"Are you here to oppose me as well, Attila?" Crimson Moon's gaze remained steady as he observed the resplendent rainbow light piercing through the sky. "Had you revealed your true self, I might have shown some measure of respect. However, as a mere human, what reason do I have to fear you? Humans are naught but food."

With an air of indifference, he unveiled several colossal meteorites, each boasting a staggering diameter of five kilometers. Without a hint of hesitation, he hurled them downwards.

"Your words are deeply displeasing," a dissatisfied male voice resonated from the fissures in the fabric of space.

"And who might you be?"

"I am the one who will bring an end to your existence," declared Zelretch as he emerged from the interdimensional rifts. A colossal spell unfurled through the atmosphere, channeling an overwhelming surge of magical energy, harnessed from myriad parallel worlds. Like a torrential flood, this immense power swept forth, propelling all the five-kilometer meteorites off the planet's surface.

As Shirou's eyes settled upon Zelretch, bravely confronting Crimson Moon in the sky, a sigh of relief escaped his lips. "Finally, he's here."

His eyes then shifted, finding Artoria standing beside him. He turned to her and asked, "Artie, are you ready?"

"Yes!" she nodded firmly, her grip on the Sword of Promised Victory tightening.

Fate: I Will Eventually Become the Hero of Justice IIWhere stories live. Discover now