Chasing 🏃‍♂️😰😈

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The class's torture seemed to be over, sure they were bullied, but it was less. They gained their confidence back!

Nino didn't get scared, Kim ignored the bullies, the girls weren't was better.

Until it started again.

They knew she was still around. Constantly. She would be too close. Until the chasing.

The chasings. Of almost everyone in the class. Lila was leading a group of boys with her to chase down our favorite characters.


Nino was walking back to Alyas house.

He was by himself but he wasn't scared, yet.

He heard footsteps, then he heard them quicken, and then he started running.

Nino: *panting while running* *whimpering*

Nino ran as fast as he could but they caught up..

He knew one was Lila, the rest the delinquents from there science class..

Nino: *being held from behind by a tall guy* Lila! *grunts trying to break free* you won't get away with this!

Lila: Oh Nino but I have! and all your friends will go through the same..

Nino: same?..

Lila: *walks over and takes his hat wearing it*

Nino: *growls* Give. It. Back.

Lila: oh.. but it's such a nice hat..

Nino: don't you dare..!

Lila: oh what? You don want me to.. *takes it off and holds it in her hands* *rips a bit* rip it?..~

Nino: *panicking silently * stop..

Lila: *rips a bit more* go on..break..!

Nino: KNOCK IT OFF! STOP DONT TOUCH IT! *tearing up*

Lila: Nino gonna cry?..cry to his mommy?..who always has to leave him at home..?

Nino: *tears slips down his face* stop..! Stop it..!

Chat Noir: *drops in and grabs Ninos hat* not very nice taking things that don't belong to you!

Lila: hah! You can't hurt me!

Chat Noir: No.. but...*spins around and lands a kick on the guy holding Nino while placing the hat back on Ninos head* *jumps away carrying Nino* WHOOPEEEE!

Lila: *growls*

Chat hid under the Eiffel Tower for a bit with Nino trying to keep him calm, later they all went to Marinettes house and called Alya.


Kim ran to the hospital as fast as he could. Max was found blacked out by Rose and Juleka.

He ran down the hallways and found the room he was in..

Max had several bruises on his face and arms.

Kim got to the bedside and fell to his knees.

Kim: wake up buddy please don't scare me..! Cmon cmon..!

Alix stood next to Kim rubbing his back and sadly looking at Max..they were friends too after all..

Kim: Max please..! *grabs his arm* get up get up..! *tearing up* who did this..?!

Nino: it was Lila and her gang dude..I think this is what she meant when she told me we'd all be treated like that...*shudders*

Kim: *looks back at Max and burries his face into the mattress * *muffled sobs*

Alix: easy easy he should be up..he's not going anywhere...

Kim: I hope..*sniffle*

Max woke up around an hour later, Kim tackling him and sobbing into his shoulder, Max just laughed it off and hugged him and everyone else.


The girls were gonna meet up at Marinettes house for a hang out, however a group of boys stopped them.

Rose : *screaming* get OFF OF ME!

Alix: *being held up by the back of her shirt and swinging her limbs around punching the guy holding her* LET US GO YOU JERKS!

Juleka was being cornered with Mylene

Just when the girls thought they were screwed,


Mylene: Teddy Bear?!

Ivan ran in and got in between the boy cornering Juleka and Mylene.

Kim: HEY STAY AWAY FROM MY GIRLFRIEND AND HER FRIENDS!! *tackles the guy to the ground and puts Alix on his shoulders* you ok Pixie??

Alix: I-I'm fine let's just get Rose-

Nino: Taken care off! *rose on his shoulders and a guy on the floor*

Kim: proud of you buddy!

Nino: *smiles* *puts rose down as she runs to Juleka*

Juleka and Rose share a quick peck before they decide to just call everyone to Marinettes.


Sabrina was pacing around a street sign infront of Marinettes Bakery. She didn't tell anyone but Delmar planned a visit to see her.

She waited and waited for what felt like forever..but instead of hearing a scooter pull up, she heard footsteps, and it wasn't Delmars..

Sabrina: h-hello- *gets grabbed and pinned against the wall causing her to shriek*

Guy: Aww don't worry sweety we're not gonna hurt cha!

Sabrina: *already crying* let me go!

She could hear Barkk silently growling, so she tapped her back to tell her to quiet down.

Sabrina was terrified, knowing what's happened to her other friends...

But suddenly she heard a voice, than a scooter fall to the floor, than another voice, and the door to the bakery opening and closing.

Delmar: YOU GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF MY GIRL! *charges and punches one*

Marinette: GET OFF OF HER!- wait-

Sabrina and Marinette: Delmar??

Sabrina: *falls to the ground as all the gang runs away and hugs and kisses Delmar* Oh!~ I'm so happy you got here!!!

Delmar: *waves and Marinette and kisses Sabrina's nose* glad I did..does this happen a lot?

Sabrina: not really..depends on who in my class they want to target...

Marinette: *runs over* Sabrina! Are you alright?

Sabrina: *giggles* don't worry! I'm ok now! *hugs her*

Marinette: *hugs her back* that's good..Hi Delmar! Long time no see!

Delmar: yeah it's been a while..but I just wanted to Visit 'brina..*wraps his arms around her waist*

Marinette: *smiles* you two get home safe tonight alright?

The two nod and hop on Delmars scooter and drive away.


With only a week left until summer, they all wondered what they'd do..

KARMA (MLB) {Four Months Torture} (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now