Day 3 NYC 🦅🦹🏻‍♂️🦋

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They had to tour the museum, which was only a little fun. Then again what else would you do in a school field trip?

They still enjoyed, ofcourse until this happened:

Adrien, Marinette? Are you looking for Ninos headphones too?

Marinette: I was getting pictures for Alya!

*they both pause and stare at eahcother*

Both: Ugh not again! We're already together yknow!

Marinette: oh boy..cmon I think it was a trick, let's head back?

Adrien: *sighs and smiles* yeah you're right..

*they both try as hard as they can*

Marinette: *strained voice while pushing* it won't...budge! *lets go*

Adrien: well what do we- *roof crashes down revealing a weird looking villain*

Villain: *robotic voice* I steal those who don't show there love. Either show or be taken.

Adrien and Marinette kissed eachother, the Villain disappeared instantly

Adrien: *whiseprs* if only Akuma attacks were that easy to deal with..

Marinette: speaking of which! Did any happen while we were gone?

Adrien: not a one! Maybe Shadowmoths on a trip too!

Marinette: maybe Kitty, let's hope..

Adrien: Paris will be fine..

*wall bursts open*

Adrien and Marinette ducked behind the pillars, confused who this new guy was and where the other villain went.

Jess and Aeon, we're also confused, wondering how Techno Pirate (now Technolizer) had this magic aura around him.

Marinette behind one pillar: *whispers* Tiki! Spots on!

Adrien behind another pillar: Plagg! Claws out!

Both of them jumped out, and started fighting, after a bit Jess and Aeon transformed into Sparrow and Uncanny Valley.

Ladybug: how do we deakumatize him???

Chat: I don't know Mlady!!

Sparrow: you've seen this before???

LB: *while spinning her yo-yo and running* our villain back home, ShadowMoth, Akumatizes people with his miraculous, hence why OUR miraculous is with us to stop him!

Uncanny: Ladybug! I don't know if I'm right but I do see a strong magic aurora around his cuffs.

Technolizer: I don't need to bother with you kids! I just need this.. *breaks the eagle necklace display, takes it, and jumps out*

Chat: Mlady was that-

LB: *whimpers and high pitch voice* a miraculous!..

Sparrow: cmon let's get him!

Aeon: *Carries her as they fly out*

LB: Cmon Kitty Cat!

Chat: At your service buggaboo!

*on the roof*

Chat: where's the Akuma??

Sparrow: how would I know?? *back flips away from an attack*

LB: Uncanny! Where did you say you saw the Akumas Magic??

Aeon: in his cuffs!!!

LB: then that's our target! Kitty!!

Chat: Cataclysm!!! *charges at the hero on to be kicked forward and hit Aeon*

Everything froze in that moment. He could hear Ladybug calling his name, just Aeons frozen and now slightly gray body in the ground infront of him.

Ladybugs echos soon became louder as she scooped up both Chat noir and Aeon away from the situation,
Sparrow following closely behind.

Chat: *practically hyperventilating *

LB: Chat calm down..Chat Calm down! I promise it's-

Chat: N-no it's not! It's not, oh my gosh..I never- she-

LB: *cups his face* look at me..kitty..when we defeat him..we'll fix her with my magical Ladybugs..

Chat: *shakey* o-ok..

Sparrow: I'll head back!

Chat: *detransforms when she's gone to heal plagg* claws out!

LB: cmon Kitty let's go for round two!

Chat: Magestias not-

LB: we'll still fix her!

Chat: *nods*

(I don't wanna write about this battle anymore I seriously recommend watching the movie yall 😭)

Chat: Magestia. I am so sorry for..w-what was an honest mistake it's never-


Chat: We don't know!

LB: he's never Cataclysmed anyone before!

Night Owl: regardless. I'm taking away Your miraculous! No child should be trusted with them.

LB: *scoffs* we're not children! And regardless sir, we would be able to, we can't reveal our identities to anyone.

Magestia: Night Owl..Maybe they're right! These are magical. We can just-

Night Owl: who's side are you on?! They almost destroyed Uncanny!

LB: and it was neither Chat Noirs fault OR Mine!
There's a reason it's both me and him! We balance! We match! We make sure the other doesn't get out of hand!
We fixed everything. It's what we do. You cannot take a miraculous holders miraculous. Unless it would be the holder of the peacock or the moth as we need those back to defeat the villains.

Night Owl: ... fine. But I better not see anything like this again.
*hops away*

Sparrow: I apologize on his behalf..

LB: *smiles* it's alright!

Magestia: *Uncanny turns on* how are you feeling my darling?

Uncanny: I'm 100% operational mother!

Chat: *looking down* I-

Uncanny: You have nothing to be sorry for Chat Noir, it was a mistake caused by the Akumatized villain.

Chat: *gasps a bit* *looks at Magestia*

Magestia: *nods and smiles* I apologize for Night Owls behavior..what you did well, absolutely terrified me, wasn't your fault.. so please, don't take what he said to heart..

Chat Noir: *smiles* Thank you Uncanny, Thank you Magestia..*bows a bit*

LB: *sees his ring flashing and hears her earrings beeping* cmon Kitty! We don't need all of New York seeing us do we?

Chat: *chuckles* it appears you're right my lady! *jumps with his stick* WHEEEEEEE

LB: Thank you..*Zips away with him*

Magestia: you know who they are, don't you..

Uncanny: yes, but my visions like that!

Magestia: I won't say anything right?

Uncanny: once the week is over I'll fully erase it from my memory!

Magestia: that's my girl.. but why when the week is over?

Uncanny: Mother, you know I can't answer that! *giggles*

Magestia: *kisses her forhead* cmon let's go meet the others.. *both fly away*

KARMA (MLB) {Four Months Torture} (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now