Science Class..😣🤬😰 (Diary Entry)

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(Narrator is Marinette, writing about her day in her diary)

Dear Diary...

Our new class isn't  great. The teacher, Mr. S (not a real character just made up) isn't the nicest..

From what I've been seeing, he's harsh on the boys..he literally acts like a drill Sargent! What makes it worse is that his whole class are hard to discipline boys! They're already trouble..

Now the original teasing just..horrible..relentless..they've Already made Nino cry, gave Nathaniel a panic attack, nearly made Kim break down, cornered Rose and Juleka, one tried kissing Juleka, the guy was thrown off by Ivan. They've picked on Alix, shamed Ivan, scared Sabrina, and pushed me and Alya around. Chloe and Adrien were mostly safe, Chloe more that Adrien..

Oh yeah, and they worshipped Lila's existence...anything she says, goes..

Touch Ninos Hat? Yes mamm! Attempt to give someone a breakdown? Ofcourse your highness! Corner a girl half your size and leave her crying? Best idea miss Rossi!


SHES A NIGHTMARE! The Kwammis still report..nothings better...

Every night it's someone.. someone..

Juleka crying, Kim crying, Nino crying, Alya crying, Ivan crying, Mylene crying, Rose crying, Nathaniel crying, Alix crying, Chloe crying, Sabrina crying, Max crying,

...Adrien crying...

All because of her..

But I'm trying to keep positive..we all are I think..

I just don't know how much we can take! This weeks been nuts..

The teacher has literally made us sit on the floor! The class is full, so he said we should just sit on the floor.

Stupid? Yes. But we can't argue, we're all able to get suspended or worse in a snap..

That's all I want to say for now I guess,

Till Later Dear Diary!

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