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After Kim was deakumatized, he an Alix have seemed to be growing closer...much to the annoyance of Max since half the time Kim's not around anymore, but he's cool with it, they still hang out and he's happy Kim isn't so..angsty, when it comes to love!

Alyas been more..protective of Nino, constantly keeping an eye out with Marinette. She will harm Lie-la if she ever harms her dork of a boyfriend ever again. No hesitation.

Ninos been normal, although a little cautious. He's convinced Lila is still out to get him. So he's asked a teacher to quite literally guard his locker. Although it took a bunch of pleading it worked.

Lila didn't get in trouble for either incidents, much to the outrage of the class, since they witnessed the events.

Alya knew Kim and Alix weren't dating. Yet...
She's known they've liked eachtoher. The only issue is Alix struggles saying things like that and Kim..well he's a bit hesitant now because of what happened. He becomes a nervous wreck around her when someone mentions she's looking at him.

The girls are determined to get them together.

Adrien and Marinette have been watching Lila very very closely. They don't need her doing something. Two of there friends had already had strong outbursts of some really depressing feelings..they didn't want that to happen again.

They've also been watching around Nino. They're worried about him. They know he's strong, but not strong enough to hurt someone, unless ofcourse they hurt Alya, but that was months ago.

Nino constantly touched his hat, he always feels the need to make sure it's there so he didn't have what happened to him again.

Ivan tried to get Lila in trouble, heck the guy even barged into Mr. Damocles office just to yell at him about how unfair it was for Lila to get off the hook this easily. Mylene tried stopping him but then silently agreed that what Lila was doing was unfair.

Alya and Alix have been very uh..protective to day the least? Alya knows Nino isn't the most emotionally strong person, so she knows if someone's seriously hurts him that bad, then yeah he'll be pretty sad, she'll still end them though. And Kim..Alix had never seen Kim cry ever, honestly no body has, minus Max. And even though everyone knows he cried when Chloe humiliated him in the bridge, no one saw him actually do it. So Alix was cautious around him, and hated Lila. Absolutely despised her.

Alix has always had a difficult time with things like love and crushes, she's never really had one. Alix liked Kim, but until a few months ago, she'd only thought of him as her best friend. And no one makes her best friends cry, weather it be the girls, weather it be Kim, or anyone else she cares about! No one. So now she's protective over him, not fuming with rage protective but more like,

"If you try to hurt him or say something to him one more time it won't end well"

Yeah....she's sorta edgy..but we love her right?

Kim's put up his normal act, he's acting like it never happened. He slightly remembers all he had done as HeartBreak Cupid. He hated the memories so he blocked them out, as did a lot of Akumatized victims that were set free.

Alix has been a little nicer to him, not that she was ever mean, but she watched what she said, understanding that he doesn't want to lose in love.

Marinette is trying to get Lila some Karma..but how??..

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