Day 6 NYC 🥱😥🥰

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It's been a..intense few since this day was the second to last day, everyone just relaxed..

Alya and Marinette got a constant stream of calls from there parents. Constant. They were worried ofcourse, so the girls replied or called back whenever they could. However..Nora was starting to get on Alya's nerves..

Alya: *angrily picks up a call from her* Nora! Ugh what now?! I texted that I'd call you back! *strokes Ninos head as he's sleeping on her stomach*

Nora: Jeez! So-rry sis! I just wanted to know if you're ok!

Alya: Nora..I know, I am! But I'm trying to rest up, and take care of Nino..!

Nora: Nino?! Cappy needs taking care of! BUT YOURE THE ONE WHO GOT HURT!

Alya: and I was blacked out for a day! I felt nothing, sure I cried a little but I was ok!

Nora: ugh! Fine! I'll leave you be..*mocking tone* enjoy taking care of your-*gets hung up on*

Alya: *puts the phone down and angrily sighs*

Nino: *wakes up* *heard the whole conversation* Alya..I-I'm sorry..

Alya: What- why?..

Nino: c-*sits up* cause..I- Nora's right..I should be taking care of you! I'm so pathetic huh..

Alya: Nino..

Nino: No!..I- I need to be better! *whispers* my miraculous is literally protection! When have I ever been brave?!..*puts his face in his hands*

Alya: Nino..*gently holds his hands* you are brave!.. don't you remember?..even after what and Chat defeated the villain! Then you both came up with how to keep our little thing a secret! And a few weeks ago! When we dealt with Ms. Marvelous? got in between her and Marinette! No one else did that! And you tried helping Kim when those guys got you..

Nino: but he still-

Alya: But you still tried!

Nino: *sniffle* *rubs his face* no no I'm not..

Alya: you can whenever you're with me..*pulls him in for a hug*

Nino fell asleep on her, smiling, finally, he was feeling more confident..

Adrien and Marinette were on the roof, looking up at the sky. The moonlight was taking over the entire city, making everything have a pale blue hue.

Marientte: It's beautiful...

Adrien: *looking down quiet*

Marientte: Kitty?..

Adrien: *sobs and hugs her*

Marinette: A-Adrien?!..*hugs him back* hey hey what-

Adrien: *kisses her* if you try that again M'Lady..please I'm already alone I can't..-

Marinette: *puts her hand on his face* Adrien..*tears up* I promise..I'll be more careful..

Adrien: it's not even your fault..Shadowmoth..

Marinette: I-I know..we'll defeat him soon! I know it..


Marinette: *checks her phone* O-oh! *wipes her eyes* hey the guys wanna have a movie night!..wanna go?..

Adrien: wipes his face and giggles* yeah..we all need a movie night..

And so the class, again minus Lila cause ew, all had a movie night. They knew they were flying back the next day, so enjoy the last few hours in NYC..

KARMA (MLB) {Four Months Torture} (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now