Sob Stories 🙄😒😣

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Lila knew her hobby well. Lying was her only talent. And she made the best out of it.

Always creating some stupid story to get Class Miraculous in trouble. And even if there are witnesses, usually they side with her so they don't get in trouble, or because they just hate the class now.


Lila: AaAaAh! Alix pushed me into the wall! Owe! My face! My back! *sobbing*

Alix: what the heck?! I did not!

Max: Affirmative, she was speaking with me for the past ten minutes. *pushes his glasses back onto his nose*

Lila: ugh! She ran from here to there! *sobbing* Ooh! Someone please help me up!

Alix got in trouble for that one, much to Kim and the girls outrage.


Lila: *gasp* Nino! Your Hat!!! It's ripping! oh my- *tries to touch it*

Nino: *turns away from her* Dude! Quit touching me! And my Hat!!

Lila: oh Nino..I'm just pointing west I saw the rip!!

Nino: E-even if it is I'll just ask M-m-marinette to fix it! *nervously smiles and shrugs*

Lila: So~ you're using your friends?~

Nino: *whimpers and gulps* C-course I'm not dude! I'd never-

Adrien: Lila you need to leave him alone.

Lila: But Adri-

Adrien: Now.

Lila: *sighs* fine..

Only a few minutes later did she cry to
Ms. Madeleieve who yelled at Nino and Adrien. And ofcourse getting them in trouble.


Nathaniel and Marc were merely sharing a kiss around some other couples.

Notice they were the only Male and Male couple.

Lila: don't you know it's inappropriate to make out in public?

Marc: W-what?? We're not making out?

Nathaniel: and What "Public" ? Like the Public School we're in right now?

Lila: Yeah but you shouldn't be kissing!

Nathaniel: Why? You jealous you have no love life?

Marc: *snorts*

Lila: *screams:* UGH! *walks away*

Nathaniel: Anyway I had this really cool comic panel for our next release!

Marc: Wait I had a new writing idea for the release!

They both giggled like fangirls and explained what they'd written/drawn


Marinette was listing these Stories off to Alya as they waited for the boys. She was literally red in the face, eyes wide, screaming.

Alya: Marinette, I know, but how can we get her to stop? The Kwamiis can't do everything..

(Quick note I realized I didn't explain this earlier but Alya and Nino know Adrien and Marinettes secret identities, same to them, so yeah the kwamiis are there) (only Marinette knows the rest of the classes Identity tho)

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