Class Miraculous 🏫🦸‍♀️🦸

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Well, Everyone had gotten there miraculous. And the Kwamis knew the drill.


1. Don't try to talk too much during school hours

2. Stay hidden, especially when Lie-las around.

3. Keep everyone in good spirits, even if the worst comes to worst.

4. Don't. Get. Caught.


They knew this very well. However the third rule was hard..

Even though they've been doing there best, keeping this class in this high spirits?? Yeah that's hard to do.

Someone's always in tears, either that or panicking or screaming in anger. The whole class is never ok.

The kwamiis are even worried, most of them haven't stayed with there holders for long, the only ones who were still with Marinette were Longg, Sass and Oriko, (since their holders either didn't go to the school or were in a different class)

They go to meet back up with Marinette every Wednesday, it's not pretty what they have to report...

Kaalki: My Holder keeps getting chased back to his home! I know I've told him he's not a good sportsman..but this is outrageous!

Xupuu: I know I find him annoying, but my holder can't keep crying over that girl who dumped him! blah blah blah..that and the Akuma stuff..

Marinette: I thought he moved on?

Xupuu: oh no he has, he's just upset that she broke his trust or somethin..

Marinette: hang on I thought she just dumped him! What happened??

Xupuu: Ugh do I have to explain ALL the details??

Everyone: YES

Xupuu: okokok jeez..we'll he was wearing his normal look, red hoodie, jeans, we-

Everyone: XUPUU!

Xupuu: alright alright jeez! Tough crowd much??
*sighs* ugh..ok. Baisically his ex told him to meet her on the bridge. He thought it was a date or something, and when he showed up she said she'd been seeing someone else and that they should split..totally bogus by the way!

Marinette: Why break up after meeting someone else?? Why do this in the first place!

Xupuu: yeah so that along with the whole Akuma thing isn't going well....

Marinette: Jeez..poor guy..

Wayzz: If there's anything good, my holder has been feeling way better! He's gaining confidence..however he's still terrified of actually I guess not so great..

Stommp: I was honestly about to say the same..

Mullo: It's not fair! *speaking really fast* My Holder keeps getting jumpscared at every corner she's at! These kids all are just a bunch a mean weird stupid rude cold-

Fluff: MULLO! We got it...

Mullo: Right! Sorry!

Marinette: it's alright Mullo..any other reports?

Plagg: Chat Noir couldn't make it today cause of stuff, I forgot what, *shoves a piece of Camembert down his throat* *sighs* delicious!

Tiki: you're disgusting *face palm*

Plagg: only if you want me to be Sugar Cube!~

Tiki: ugh!..*giggles and flies over to Kaalki*

Marinette: uh..thanks Plagg! But seriously guys try to keep some spirits high... I'm worried about them!

Plagg: We know Marinette!

Wayzz: but it's extremely difficult when there's nothing we can do minus comfort them!

Xupuu: Lila's antics are driving us bananas!

Fluff: Really dude? Puns now??

Xupuu: what you got a problem??

Fluff: wel-

Marinette: Guys! Guys..look, I understand it's hard, and I know there isn't really much we can do.. but, I know whatever we can do will be enough..

Tiki: Luckily minus HeartBreak Cupid, not one Akumatization has occurred!

Trixx: you're right!

Pollen: Well done my Friend!

Marinette: *checks her phone* oh gosh look at the time! You guys gotta get back!

Everyone said there goodbyes and flew out, making sure no one could see them.

Marinette: *sighs* Tiki..what happens if they get Akumatized?? What if I made a mistake giving them the miraculous, especially in the state most of them are in!!

Tiki: are Ladybug! You're supposed to be a lucky person! When a Ladybug makes a choice that seems extremely wrong, usually the plan works!

Marinette: I think I'm supposed to be an unlucky person Tiki..

Tiki: *pats her head* well I think otherwise..

Oriko: Marinette, I'm sure it'll work out!

Lonng: yes! You're a very clever person!

Sass: not to mention! You're exsstremely creative! Your plan ssshould be sssafe!

Marinette: thanks guys..

Tiki: it's always good to be cautious, you're a very good Ladybug!

Marinette: *kisses her forehead* thanks Tiki..!

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