Day 4 NYC Boomonkey 🦸💥🦧

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Ofcourse, the next day was fun! Fantastic! Until that night. Marinette and Adrien have figured that ShadowMoth was somewhere hiding in New York. He has the eagle Miraculous, and he's Akumatizing Supervillains who have there own power.

Dorm situation:

Marinette, Alya, Chloe and Sabrina.

Adrien, Nino, and Ivan

Rose, Juleka, Mylene, and Alix

Kim, Max, and Nathaniel.

Nino Adrien Alya and Marinette were outside in the roof, talking about whatever might happen next.

Marinette: Y'know..I'm scared about it..he's here! Somehow when we're all here, he's here too! What if- WHAT IF HE JNIWS OUR IDEN- *mouth covered*

Alya: Girl if you scream that loud the whole of New York will know!

Marinette: *exhales* you're right..*smiles at her*

Nino: I'm sure we'll be fine! Plus! We've defeated powerful villains before! How hard can these be?

Adrien: *looking out at the city from the roof, seemingly sad*

Nino: you ok buddy? *walks over and puts a hand on his shoulder*

Adrien: I-I'm's just, I can't believe i cataclysmed her..what if she was a real human?? What if-

Marinette: Adrien..she's not though! We fixed her.. all was forgiven!

Adrien: minus Night Owl..

Marinette: Yes.. but! Who cares what he thinks? It's not your fault and all was fixed! While I can understand where he was coming from, there was no reason to blame you.

Adrien: *looks at her and hugs her* thanks buggaboo..

Marinette: ofcourse kitty cat..


Nino: what was that???

They all ran to the edge of the roof, seeing a huge sentimonster, which appeared to be a monkey, throwing explosive bananas everywhere.

People were screaming, Cars honking. The group looked at eachother and nodded.

Marinette: Tiki! Spots on!

Adrien: Plagg! Claws Out!

Nino: Wayzz! Shell on!

Alya: Trixx! Let's Pounce!


The huge monkey was being controlled/ridden by an angry teenager, he was looking for his father, as he had sold what was apparently his prized monkey plush.


LB: *wraps her yo-yo around his leg to trip him*
Boomonkey! Release the Akuma!

Boomonkey: *tugs on the string of the yo-yo causing Ladybug to fly into the wall of a building*

Ladybug: ow..*peels off and back flips into action again* Chat Noir! Do you see anything?! *doges*

Chat: nothing yet my lady! *doges a banana* hey! Not cool!

Carapace: WHOA- *banana bounces up at him*

Chat: *grabs him by the waist and jumps up with his stick* jeez! Angry monkey..

Carapace: thanks dude, no kidding!

Rena: cmon boys! *runs past them and jumps onto the monkey* Hey monkey boy! You looking for HIM? *whispers* mirage!

A illusion starts to form, showing a man running down the street

KARMA (MLB) {Four Months Torture} (Book 1)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum