Sleepover pt.3 😱🥺🫨

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SM: Hello again Sandboy..

Kid: H-hawk Moth??..

SM: ShadowMoth..I'm giving you the power to turn all people into little girls and boys with your they can feel the same horror.. All that I need in return is Ladybug and Chat Noirs we have a deal?..

Kid: *smiles* deal..


In the morning everyone woke up, some of them feeling..different...

Marinette looked up where Adriens head was last night, seeing nothing she looked down and saw..


She screamed her usual Marinette scream, waking everybody up in the process, causing them to scream at who's become a child.

Alya: *looks down and gasps at sees a little Ninos head on her chest in a green turtle onsie*

(Btw they're like Toddlers 2-3)

Somehow they didn't wake everyone who turned into a kid,

But dang we're they shocked-

Alix: how- HOW-

A little Kim was clinged onto her arm and a little Mac holding her Leg,

Alix: I did not sign up for this..

Ivan: *giggling like a little girl because of a baby Mylene staring up at him* Aw! You look just like my little sister! Well when she was younger-

Nathaniel was awkwardly holding baby Marc, seemingly figuring out what the heck to do with him,

Rose and Juleka turned into babies too, currently being held by Luka.

Kagami was fine, she was very happy about that-

Adrien and Nino were luckily still asleep but now the others were awake and they were just everywhere-

Kim: *screaming for literally no reason*

Alix: Why won't you be quiet??? *facepalms*

Ivan: *holding a terrified Mylene* Alix make him keep quiet! He's scaring Mylene!


Ivan: well- now you're screaming too!

Alix: I- ..sorry you're right.. *crosses her arms* *picks up Kim* Hey, Kim, stop.

Kim: *shuts his mouth and starts giggling*

Alix: *whispers* *giggles* Meathead..

Alya: is it Sunday or Monday?

Everyone shot there heads up and looked at one another, everyone quickly got themselves ready and RAN Out the door, much to the confusion of Gorilla and Nathalie-


Alya: *walks in holding little Nino* Morning
Ms. Bustier!

Ms.B: *finishes writing something with chalk and turns around* Why hello Aly-AHHH-

Nino: *stirs in his sleep*

Alya: *puts a finger to her mouth* I promise this'll make sense-

Ms.B: Alya you can't just-

*everyone else walks in holding a kid or two, Ivan holding Mylene, Juleka and Rose-*

Ms.B: I- Y'know what? I'm not going to even try- free period! *wide eyes staring down contemplating her life*

Everyone minus Lila grouped together on the floor.

KARMA (MLB) {Four Months Torture} (Book 1)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat