Nino: Hat of Memory 🧢💔❤️‍🩹

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Nino was an interesting one, he could be smart, or incredibly stupid.  But he was a good guy. One thing a lot of people knew about him is that you never touch his hat. Unless ofcourse you were Alya, Adrien or Marinette. He made exceptions only because he trusted them.

Lila knew how precious his hat she decided to go ahead and take advantage of the one time he left it in his locker. Gym.

Usually he was allowed to wear it, but today the teacher told him to take it off. So he went and kept it in his locker.

Lila, who got out with a cheap excuse, followed Nino and filmed his lock code, she zoomed in on it just as he finished and began to walk in her direction to the exit door. Lila quickly hid, and once he was out of sight, she slid on some gloves and opened his locker.

His bright red hat was at the very top of it, she grabbed it. And using a pair of scissors, she cut it straight in half, then to add insult to injury, she cut multiple holes in it.

Once she was done, she walked out to see and Akuma attack, Ladybug and Chat Noir were already in the scene, and there was no Marinette in sight, perfect...

Alya: come. On! Nino! We gotta get out of here!

Nino: Babeee! Not without hat!! *funny Whiney voice*

Alya: Ugh!!! We'll get it later! Cmon! *drags him to another room to hide*

Nino: hmph!

Once the villain was defeated, Nino ran to his locker to get his hat, but it was gone..panicking, he ran around frantically trying to find it, he left the locker room a bit shakey, he ran up behind Alya and hugged her, burying his face into her shoulder.

Alya: Nino? Where's your hat?

Adrien: you ok?

Nino: I don't know where it is! it wasn't in my locker anymore!

Marinette: *walks over* sorry I'm back! Hey- Nino? Are you ok?..

Nino: *lip quivers and lays his face back down into Alyas shoulder*

Alya: He can't find his wasn't in his locker anymore!

Marinette: aww..I'm sorry Nino..

Lila: Hey! Nino! This is important!!

She said running down towards the group

The group while not excited to see her, walked over, under the green metal staircase.

Marinette: what do you want Lila?

She said crossing her arms.

Nino and Alya were infront, since Lila specifically wanted to talk to him.

Lila: just..this..

She said giving a slight un caught grind, as she threw the broken cut up hat out infront of Nino.

Lila: I found it like this..honest...

Nino was just staring down at the hat. His hat. His broken, ripped up, cut up, hat.

People gathered around as Nino fell to his knees

Alya: Nino-..*kneels down and lays a hand on his back rubbing it gently*'ll be ok..we'll buy another-

Nino: *voice cracking* you can't..

Alya: what?..

Nino: my pops gave me that..before he- he..*sniff* *tears up*

Alya: oh Nino..*hugs him*

Marinette: Lila! You have some nerve this time!

Adrien: yeah! I knew you were a liar..but seriously? This?? THIS???

Lila: Oh Adrien I just found it like this! I didn't do anything! *eye rolls*

Marinette: you really are heartless.. Hey Nino..*kneels down to face him* if you want..I can fix it! I think I should be able to..

Nino: you- you'd do that for me?..*voice is literally shattered*

Marinette: ofcourse! *smiles*  I'll try my best..

Nino: *quivery smile* *sniffles* thank- thankyou..!

Alya shot Lila a very dirty look while hugging Nino.

Alya: Don't think you'll get away with this Lila..

The next few days while Marinette tried working on his hat we're difficult for Nino. He was a in a pretty depressed mood, if he wasn't quiet he was sulking, if he wasn't sulking he was bawling his eyes out when people weren't around.

Alya was there through it all. She did her best, along with all the others in there class to try to comfort him.

And it was nothing new for him to be out of class.

Ms. Bustier: Alya..? May you please go find Nino?.. I understand if it takes a while you won't miss too much.

Alya: y-yeah!...I'll go find him..

She said as she got her stuff and walked away, oddly enough, Marinette hadn't shown up yet!

Alya walked around and down one of the staircases, and then she hear what made her heart break, heart wrenching sobs from underneath said staircase.

It was Nino.

She ran down and collapsed infront of his shaking body. She's seen him cry a lot for the past few days, but this was different. He was both angry and so so was a miracle another Akuma hadn't shown up.

Alya went and sat next to him, putting a hand on his back to calm him down.

Alya:'ll be ok!..Marinette will fix it I promise..

Nino: but that doesn't- that doesn't change the fact that- that- that Lila destroyed it..! And n-not to mention- sh- she ...she did it infront of everyone...! *sobs* that's my dads dad's hat.. and he- he's- gone..!

Alya: sh sh sh...Nino I know..and I promise you she won't get away with this..*hugs him*

Nino: *hugs back and lays his head on her shoulder exhausted*

???: Hey guys..!

Alya looked up and saw Marinette with a big white paper bag.

Alya: *still rubbing his back* hey Marinette..

Marinette: *kneels down* heheh..hey.. is...he ok?

Alya looked down and then at his back, she could feel her shoulder was soaked with tears, feel him lightly shaking, nuzzling his face into her shoulder.

Once again her and Marinette made eye contact again.

Marinette: hmm..I see...I do have something that might make him feel better!

Nino sleepily turned around to see Marinette hand him the white paper back, and when he reached inside, he pulled out his hat, as if it were brand new. You couldn't even tell it was ever broken!

Nino smiled and cried, but this time the tears were more happy, he hugged Marinette and hugged Alya, mumbling the word thank you non stop.

Eventually they all walked back to Ms. Bustiers class, Marinette opened the door.

Alya walked in first, and in show girl fashion, they spread there arms up and and down at the door, and in walked Nino with his bright red hate and bright happy grin, causing Adrien to smile almost instantly.


Nino: What up party people!

Everyone got up to hug him, everyone minus Lila..she slammed her fists on the desk and angrily looked away.

She'd get Karma for this, Alya would make sure of it.

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