Aftermath 😰😭😣

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(Basically what happened when some of the Kwamiis got home)

(Also these have no noise or anything so think of these as silent with some type of background music)



Wayzz: *flies up to a Sad looking Nino and waves*

Nino: *waves and holds out an ear bud for Wayzz* *sitting on a chair at his desk with his head in folded arms*

Wayzz: *hears some type of music and nods a No while going up to Ninos phone and changing it to what seems to be one of Ninos favorites*

Nino: *smiles and shuts his eyes asleep, holding out a hand for Wayzz*

Wayzz: *goes to his hand and sleeps*

Wayzz: *goes to his hand and sleeps*

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Xupuu: *flies into a dark room with the blue moonlight hitting Kim's back*

Kim: *shaking a bit with his hood up laying down on his bed*

Xupuu: *slowly flies down and sits next to him* *somehow rubbing his hand on his back*

Kim: *sleepily puts one of his hands behind his back and grabs Xupuu*

Xupuu: *squeezed*

Kim: *seemingly crying and gently holds Xupuu to his chest*

Xupuu: *sorta hugs him and *pats his chest till he eventually sleeps* *sleeps frowning *

Xupuu: *sorta hugs him and *pats his chest till he eventually sleeps* *sleeps frowning *

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Rose : *hugging her unicorn crying*

Daizzi: *flies over and kisses her nose*

Rose: *smiles* *boops her snout*

Daizzi: *silently giggles*


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Nathaniel: *angrily drawing in his sketchbook about Lila being sad*

Ziggy: *flies over and makes some funny faces*

Nathaniel: *starts laughing and begins drawing Ziggy as she models*

(A/N: Ziggy is so freaking cute I love her)

(A/N: Ziggy is so freaking cute I love her)

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Plagg: *flies back to see Adrien sadly playigg by the Piano*

Adrien: *waves at him and points to his keyboard*

Plagg: *immediately flies down and starts playing with him as they both seem to be laughing*

Plagg: *immediately flies down and starts playing with him as they both seem to be laughing*

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Mylene: *crying curled up into a ball*

Mullo: *zips down and wipes her tears* *hugs her face smiling*

Mylene: *shocked but then hugs her with her hands to her face smiling*

Mylene: *shocked but then hugs her with her hands to her face smiling*

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