Beat 🤕💢😣

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Welp, since Nino was too Akumatized, he and Kim's lives were the same at school, everyone had made fun, bullied, even hit them over it. The class did there best to help them but again, they couldn't be there everytime. They defended eachtoher but it only goes so far, they can only handle so many people, let alone them getting in trouble even though they were getting hit first.

Nothing was going well, Alya and Alix were ready to kill, they wouldn't, but they wanted to-

Adrien and Alya switched seats, as did Max and Alix. They wanted to keep them close in case the bullying got way too much, which it seemed to be.

Luckily.. they had something coming up..

Ms.B: as you know, next week is our trip to New York for French American Friendship Week! There are permission slips on your desks. Please get them to me Before we departure. Ok? *glances at Marinette*

Marinette: *sheepish smile*

Adrien: *chuckles*

Ms.B: Anyways, Today we'll be learning-

The class didn't fully pay attention, they were too excited! Finally they could escape all of this nonsense they've been dealing with!

Oh but except one issue.

She would be with them.

Lila. Lila would be with them.

Kim: Ughh we have to wait another Week?? I need out of here!

Alya: We all do Kim. Trust me..

Alix: How are we gonna su-

Ms.B: Kids..?

Kim Alya and Alix: Sorry Ms. Bustiers..

Ms.B: it's alright! Now let's continue with the lesson..

(After school)

Nino as behind Kim, as they were cornered in a hallway, literally just trying to leave the building

Kim: *blocking Nino* If you want him you gotta go through me!

Guy: oh we'll cut right through you! You think you're so tough? Well how do you fair against ten of us?

Just then, behind the three guys that were cornering them, seven more walked over, cracking there knuckles with smug grins on there faces.

Nino: *Whimpers and walks up next to Kim*
H-how are we-

Kim: I- I don't know! Look at how-*gets socked in the face*

Nino: KIM! *runs at the guy and lands a few hits on him but gets punched to the ground*

(Five minutes later)

Ivan: *hears all of this and charges into the hallway causing everyone to run* *gasps when he looks at Nino and Kim*

Nino was curled up shaking looking at Kim's blacked out body, one of the guys had kicked him in the head, knocking him unconscious.

Ivan picked him up, and Allowed Nino to lean on him as they made there way out of the building and into the streets, for some reason they chose to go to Marinettes house, why? Cause they're sweet but also slightly clueless. (I'm sorry-)

Ivan: *busts into Marinettes room* HELP

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Ivan: *busts into Marinettes room* HELP

Marinette and the girls were confused and then looked in his arms to see Kim, slightly open eyes as he was just waking up, he could even move.

Nino came in after, he had a couple bruises and cuts and was shaking like a leaf, Alya quickly sat him down as they laid Kim on Marinettes day bed.

Alix was freaked out, She was having a fun conversation five seconds ago and now she was staring at the beaten body of Kim. How would one think in that moment??

Alix kept gently shaking him, rubbing his arm, trying to see if he'd fully wake up.

Finally he made noise.

Kim: *groans a bit as he starts to fully open his eyes* mmm...hhh..*moving his arms and legs around little by little* *finally looks up at who was peering over him and saw..ALIX?!*

Kim turned a bright red and his head have him a pound for opening his eyes too wide. Alix was worried and laughed at his face.

Alix: you alright Meat Head?

Kim: ugh..I doubt it my heads gonna kill me..
*slowly sits up and rubs his forehead* what..happened..?

Nino: y-y-you tried p-protecting m-me f-from
t-those guys...

Marinette: Lila's gone too far.. not that anything before was ok.. but THIS?!


Nino: *sniff* I'm really sorry..

Kim: dude don't think it's your's not..

Nino: y-yeah but- *wipes the side of his face and eye*

Alya: *cups his face* it's not..

Nino: *just nods and looks down at his bandaged arms*

After a while everyone went home, Marinette thought silently about what the next week would be like..would they be ok during the field trip? Would Lila find out there secret identities??..

Doubt it..but still..

KARMA (MLB) {Four Months Torture} (Book 1)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu