Day 5 (Pt 1) NYC 🏥😞😭

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Everyone was still gloomy. Even after that night, and it was rough..the girls were just sad.
Adrien and Nino barely got any sleep last night.

( Necessary info: there are bunks in the dorms, Adrien and Nino both are on the top bunks)

Adrien merely shut his eyes for around ten minutes at a time, and them opened them for another twenty, staring at the ceiling.
Nino was in an out, a constant stream. He was crying in and out of sleep. He was more scared for the condition of Alya, but also scared of what his body was doing.

They were being monitored by everyone. Though they didn't leave their room. So people constantly walked in to see how they were doing.

Adrien didn't want to see anyone, and he meant anyone. He barely made a noise, just stared at the ceiling.
Everyone was concerned.
Nino was just in tears, face buried into a pillow. Eventually his body would tire out and he'd sleep, only to snap awake and start again.


Chloe: *walks in on Adrien* Adrikins?..are you alright?..

Adrien: I'm fine Chloe..

Chloe: uhm..*looks to the side and then back at him* I brought you some should eat..

Adrien: just put it on the desk..thank you Chloe..

Chloe: Ofcourse..! Anything for you Adrikins..

(She doesn't like him anymore btw! It's just how they are)

Adrien knew he should eat. Marinette would want him to. He felt so hopeless. So useless. So hungry too.. he looked at the tray of pastries Chloe brought him. They looked like the ones Marinette had brought for everyone. Marinette. He heard her name repeat so many times in his head. So he slowly got up, ate a roll. Gave some to plagg, and transformed, leaping out the window onto the roof.

Ivan and Kim walked into Ninos room, staring up at his whimpering self, finally his sobbing had stopped.

Kim: Uh..hey ok?..

Nino didn't answer.

Ivan: cmon gotta eat..*walks over and pats his back*

Nino cowered into the pillow, making a small noise

Ivan: *sighs* can you eat this up there?..*takes a small croissant and reaches over Nino, placing it infront of him*

Nino didn't say anything, he took the croissant and took a few nibbles, finally realizing he was extremely hungry.

Kim: you wanna come out?..maybe it'll help..?

Nino just started crying again, coughing.

Ivan rubbed his. Back till he fell back asleep, and then. They left..


Alix heard the phone ring and picked it up.

?: Hey Alix! Is Nino ok?..

?: Hey Alix! Is Nino ok?

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Alix: I- Alya?!..y-yeah he's not great but he's alive?

Marinette: H-hey Alix..! Is Adrien ok?..

Alix: Marinette! He's.,well..not really doing anything..he's just super quiet..and gloomy..

Marinette: well..

Alya: we have a surprise!..

Both: we're coming back tonight..don't tell the boys!

Alix: I- ok? Can I tell-

Marinette:  yes you can tell everyone else! We gotta go!

Both: bye!

Alix: I'm not sure if I'm more surprised I didn't even get a full sentence in there, or the fact they're awake-

Alix told everyone, minus Adrien and Nino, that Alya and Marinette were awake, and coming that night. It pained everyone to hear/see the sadness from them..but they knew it'd be worth it..

KARMA (MLB) {Four Months Torture} (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now