Expulsion 🔊😱🤬

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And just like that, they walked into Mr. Ds office the next day. They had to wait till their last class, but it worked.

First they let Ms.B have a listen, who sent them all to the principals office, including Lila to have it checked. She felt horrible for her kids..slightly minus Lila now..

Mr.D: so..to my understanding you all had a recording to show me about the many accusations of miss Lila Rossi, threatening, attacking, and harassing you all?

Marinette: to say the least, yes..Hit it Max! *smiles*

Max: With pleasure! *hits the button on the computer *

The entire class grinned as Lila stood in shock along with Mr. D. Lila was horrified they caught her..


(After the recording finishes)

Mr.D: I'm sorry for not believing you Kids sooner..now that I hear the matter and hand, Lila Rossi, you are here by expelled from Francoi Dupan Highschool!

Lila: *Shocked* w-what!? I'd- never!

Marinette: you heard him! Get!

Lila: *walks out crying* *once she closes the door* This isn't the end Marinette...you and all your friends..your lives can still be miserable...


Everyone cheered with every ounce of happiness, they even had a mini part on Lukas Boat!

All their troubles would finally be over.....

Or are they?.....

KARMA (MLB) {Four Months Torture} (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now