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Ok ok ok so I think imma re explain how this universe works, mk? Mk. So BAISICALLY-

The main point is Lila wants to torture everyone else in class as they knew she's been a liar. She's doing it to make Marinette suffer more.

Most if not all of season four takes place during/before the New York United Heroes.

(This timeline is different than the one in the show, so there is no Monarch, only Shadowmoth.

I don't go crazy on Adrienette as it's already a full relationship in this.
Marinette, Alya, Adrien and Nino all know eachother secret identities.

Because of an incident (look in previous chapters) all of the class keeps there miraculous.


Adrien X Marinette
Nino X Alya
Rose X Juleka
Marc X Nathaniel
Ivan X Mylene
Slight Sabrina X Max
Kim X Alix
Kagami X Felix
Sabrina X Delmar (NYC guy)

Luka, Chloe, and Zoe are single in this fan fic unless something is shown in the series!

Why is Kim crushing on Alix instead of Ondine?

*Spoilers for a future chapter ahead!*

Ondine did love Kim but got sick of all his jokes, she eventually found him annoying, his love pranks too, though she never told him she thought that, she acted like she loved them. After a while she started seeing another guy while seeing Kim, a bit later she called Kim to the Pont Des Arts Bridge, and told him everything. Shattering his heart. He never wanted to find love, however..
Alix is starting to change that...

Nino, Marinette, and sometimes Rose and Adrien are the class kids, aka most protected.

I'll update this later most likely, depends on questions lol


We see more of Ninos Insecure/Sensitive side, as it was heavily referenced in Rocketear and Sentibubbler.


Nino doesn't trust people with his hat, (referenced in Chameleon) I came up with the idea of it being his grandfathers before he passed. He only allows the class sometimes to touch it, but only Alya, Adrien, and Marinette are allowed to wear it if they want.

Ivan is a little self conscious cause he always thinks he'll hurt someone.

Alix has a difficult time expressing love and feelings, so even though she likes Kim she doesn't really go crazy with anything.

Chloe once again, HAS HER CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT. (I'm looking at you Zag.)

While I ship Sabrina and Max, I think it'd be cute to see her and the guy she met in New York (Delmar is his name) have a long distance relationship-

Nino has a green turtle hoodie. Yes he does.
(He's my fav if you couldn't tell already)

It's confirmed now for me, Sabrina has a long distance relationship with Delmar. IK ITS TRUE I DONT WANNA HEAR ITTT.

Based on what someone has been saying, Adriens Ninos older brother.

Nino has to watch Chris mostly cause his moms on constant business trips (but she's still a good mom)

Kim's secretly like Mylene/Juleka. He's very insecure of himself, especially when it comes to love.

(Y'all I'm saying he acts like them, as in he is also deep down quiet and insecure of himself!) (I realize it might've been a typo but hope this clears things up!!!)

KARMA (MLB) {Four Months Torture} (Book 1)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن