Confession 🏈❤️🛼

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Kim has been planning, he wanted to tell Alix how he felt. He had to. He wasn't waiting for Love. He'd catch it himself.

So he got together things he figured she'd like.

Well, one thing..

A new pair of skates since her old ones were nearly busted, and a bracelet, similar to his.

But Kim feel embarrassed..he wasn't a crazy rich kid or anything, I mean he blew most of his allowance on that stupid pin he bought Chloe, and gifts he bought for Ondine..he felt a bit ashamed that he couldn't do better..

Kim: Max..I don't know! What if- what if she hates it?!.. what if she hates me?!.. what if-

Max: Kim! Kim, listen.. I know 100% if you manage to work your courage up, you'll be able to go up to her. And I know she'll say yes!

Kim: I-..*exhales* I think I need a minute..*walks out*

Max: *sadly looks at him*


Kim: *walking down the hallway looking down till he bumps into someone* *looks up* o-oh Hi..Ivan...

Ivan: Hi Kim...

The two, while slightly friends, had been awkward with eachother, since Kim didn't used to be the nicest guy around..though he always felt guilty about it.

Kim: I- uhm...I should go...*about to walk away*

Ivan: wait Kim? What's up?

Kim: Ah nothing..just, girls..Y'know how it is right?

Ivan: ofcourse I do! I remember when I..- Mylene..

Ivan and Kim remembered him turning into Stoneheart, Kim remembered everything he'd said to him that day.

Kim: Ivan, I'm sorry.. what I said wasn't.. it wasn't-

Ivan: Ok, I know..but you've changed! A lot actually..and I know it's taking time but I'd be really glad to call you my friend!

Kim: *smiles* really?

Ivan: yeah! Now.. *shoulder bumps him* tell me about the girl~ is it Alix~?

Kim: *blushes* y-yeah..!

Ivan: so why're you upset? I thought you'd be pumped to tell her!

Kim: *looks down* I just..I feel so pathetic..I mean I could do so much better that some bracelet and skates..

Ivan: honestly that suits her, Kim, you suck at showing it, but you really like showing your love with gifts, kinda like Marinette! And Alix, she's the type of person who likes it when people notice the details! I think it'd be perfect!

Kim: I- really? Uh..thanks! Wait- how do you know this kinda stuff?

Ivan: *shrugs* I dunno..I think I've heard way to many of Mylenes girl calls..*chuckles* *puts a hand on his shoulder* it's gonna go great..

Kim: *looks down, smiles, and looks at Ivan* thanks man..really this helped..

Ivan: anytime! Friends? *fist bump ready*

Kim: *smiles bigger* friends..*fist bumps him*


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Welp..this was it...Kim was finally going to tell Alix. The whole class was watching from like fifty different places, Mark and Nathaniel drawing out everything that they thought would happen (all good outcomes)

Alix: *skates over to a tree behind the school and stops*

She was looking for Kim, who had put a letter in her locker earlier that day.

Eventually Kim showed up, he was blushing already but ready to say what he's needed to say for the past while now.

Alix: K-Kim? What's going on? What you wanna race again? *crosses her arms and grins*

Kim: Well uh.. I- uh..*nervously glanced around until he sees Max and Ivan giving him a thumbs up, all the girls next to them smiling* *breathes and looks at Alix* Alix..I-..*sighs*

Alix: You ok? You're being less..loud..?

Kim: I- *shakes his head and stomps his foot*
Alix! I- I like you..a lot..I mean you've helped me through..everything..I-..*sees her shocked expression and looks down a bit sad*

Alix: *shakes her head and starts laughing*

Kim: *shocked and really worried now*

Alix: *notices and stops* *giggles a bit more* *sighs* I-..I like you too!

Kims eyes widened with shock as he quickly hugged her, he wasn't thinking, he didn't need to. His chance of love wasn't over, not yet. He could feel Alixs arms around him too, he felt warm, and fuzzy, and loved it.

 He could feel Alixs arms around him too, he felt warm, and fuzzy, and loved it

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Alix: *breaks hug* so..I and me..?*points at him and herself*

Kim: *puts the bracelet on her wrist* always..*smiles and hugs her again* I'm so happy..

Alix: *smiles* same..

Everyone came running out scaring the heck out of them. But they all smiled and laughed, cheering for the newest couple in Class Miraculous.

Lila was watching again ofcourse. She was angry to say the can only wonder what she wanted to plan next...

KARMA (MLB) {Four Months Torture} (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now