Sick??..🤫🤒😔 Pt. 1

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Ah yes, due to the times. Ofcourse someone was sick.

Our Turtleboy knew he wasn't feeling great.
He felt nauseated, tired, headache. He wanted to stay home, but since he and Chris were living with Alyas family, he didn't want to be a bother. However, he told Alya.

(Middle of the night)

Nino:*wakes up and groans*

Alya: *wakes up* mm..Nino you..good...?

Nino: mm...*groaning and moves closer to Alya*

Alya: *arm holding around his waist and other patting his head*

Nino: *arms wrapped around her and head on her chest*

Alya: *yawns* alright..?

Nino: mmm...I don't.. feel..good...

Alya: You don't feel good...?

Nino: mm..

Alya: are you sick ..? or just tired..?

Nino: I dunn..o..I'm just gonna..s..lee..p..*dozes off*

Alya: *sleeps*


(In the morning)

Alya: *shakes him* Ninooo..wake up we have schoolll...

Nino: *wakes up and starts coughing*

Alya: jeez you're sick!

Nino: shhh..! Keep it on the down low babe! I'll fight it offf..cmon we have school!

Alya: *sighs* this is a bad idea..



Adrien: hey guys!

Alya: Hey Adrien!

Nino: *looking really dazed* *leans on Him*

Adrien: *puts an arm around him* uh..Nino? You good?..

Nino: mhm..just uh..tired dude! *perks back up only to grimace in pain*

Alya: *face plans and helps him stand back up* *sighs* where's Marinette?

Adrien: *chuckles* the usual, called her a minute again actually! So I'd give it another min-

Marinette: IM HERE!- *falls over to catch her breath*

Nino: *covers his ears and grimaces again*

Marinette: *frowns* is he ok..?

Alya: I dunno..he says he's not feeling great..

Marinette: well..maybe it help with the noise.. *taps Ninos shoulder and pints to his headphones *

Nino: *smiles* *puts them on and exhales a sigh of relief*..finally..


All: WE'RE LATE! *they run to the class*


Nino quietly explained the headphones, luckily Ms.B is Amazing.

Ms.B: as long as you're not listening to music ok? *puts a hand on his shoulder*

Nino: *nods and goes to sit down*

Lila: Ms. Bustier!! Aren't we not allowed to have headphones?? We can't listen to music in class!

Nino: *can still hear* *exhales and keeps calm*

Ms.B: Lila, Nino needs it for his own reasons. Please mind your business ok?

Lila: *angry smiles* yes miss Bustier.

Nino: *smug grin*

Marinette: Miss Bustier? *raises hand*

Ms.B: yes Marinette? *smiles*

Marinette: could we have a more..uh..relaxing day today?

Ms.B: hm..I'll tell you what, you all get two sheets of what we're working on down, and I'll cancel the packets, ok?

Everyone silently cheered as they got to work, helping eachother.

Kim: wait how do I...

Max: *points somewhere on his paper* you multiply those numbers there, then you get the answer!

Kim: oooh ok!


Everyone had finally finished, and as Ms.B had promised, they got to relax.

Nino: *asleep*

All of class Miraculous was gathered around the main crews desks, Lila sitting at her desk still on her phone.

Kim: he ok? He looks..sick..

Alya: well-..

Alix: yeah what gives? He doesn't even where his headphones till he's in the hallway!

Adrien: Guys-

Everyone began clamoring causing Nino to wake up.

Nino: m..what..?

Myelene: You ok Nino?..

Nino: w-what do you mean?..*nervously looking around*

Ivan: I mean..bro..look at you! You're sweating, you keep sleeping, you have your headphones on,?

Nino: uhm..*looks down*

Alya: Told you..*puts a hand on his back*

Nino: *arms folded on his desk with his head in them* I-..I'm s-sick..*flips his face down into his arms hiding*

Rose: Oh Nino that's no biggie! You didn't have to hide it! *freaking angel child smile*

Nino: *voice muffled* yeah but I lied..! I don't need to be like Lilaaa...!! *sniffle*

Mostly everyone started laughing.

Alya: babe- one little white Lie isn't like Lila. Don't worry you're better than that little liar.

Nino: *tips his head up* really..?

Marientte: Nino, You're, proud, confident! You're amazing and you gotta know it! We sure do!

Lila: Ugh! Miss Bustier! Didn't you hear them???

Ms.B: *walks over to the group and sits down next to Nino placing a hand on his back* Nino..what you did wasn't safe..! Please be honest about your health ok?

Nino: Yes Ms.Bustier...thank you..

Ms.B: *smiles and stands up* any time! You all have another hour till the bell!

Everyone: Yes Ms.Bustier!

Everyone chatted, enjoyed there company. It was a calming hour.. however..Lila's little pause in nonsense won't last forever...

KARMA (MLB) {Four Months Torture} (Book 1)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum