Sleep 🥱😴🩷

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That night Marinette and Little Adrien were cuddled up in her bed, Her parents took to the little guy instantly, they adored him! Adrien was cuddled up on Marinettes chest, half asleep watching a cartoon on her phone, eventually she saw him falls asleep, mumbling something about whatever his adorable set was thinking of.

Marinette shut her phone and held onto him tightly, Closing her eyes and sleeping with a smile, Tiki saw she forgot her alarm so she made sure to set it up for tomorrow morning so she didn't miss school- Plagg and her snuggles up behind Marinettes sewing machine and slept.


Nino was already asleep in the bed, Alya finishing up on editing a video, she heard murmuring and turned around to see Nino moving aroun trying to grab something, she saw his red cap a bit away from him on the bed and got up to give him it, he held it with his legs and still sleepily reachers around for something.

Alya reached out her hand only for him to grab it, Trixx and Wayzz pushing her onto the bed, she glared at them but they playfully shrugged as they flew off. Alya just climbed in and fell asleep with her hand still grasped by Ninos.


Alix and Jallil set up a little cot looking thing to keep Kim in for the night. Not even five seconds after her head hit the pillow, she looked to the side to see Kim attempting to climb up her bed.

She tried three times to put him back before eventually giving up and letting him cuddle up to her and sleeping.

Luka + Juleka (siblings ya'll):

Juleka was already in a little box with cushions and blankets galore next to Lukas bed, he looked like a mom making sure if the boat moved even a little he'd wake up to see if she was alright.

(Speaking of sleep I need to sleep rn so Gn!! Pls request some ideas that could follow this story! So incase I run out I know where to pick up! Based off of what you've been seeing here I think you know what I like writing lol)

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